Saturday, May 18, 2024

๐’๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐Œ๐ž๐๐ข๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž?


When we meditate

What to do?

Simply ... BE!

We set the mentality on the shelf.

You know that ...

It's what you think.

[Really, it's not. You'll see.]

And, then ...

What gives?

There’s space.

It’ empty.

Yet, full.

A state of pure potential(s)

We have access to creative possibilities;

REAL ones.

And clarity to discern what, if anything,

The moment offers ...

What it may ask.

That mentality?

Now it’s just another color,

On a broad palette.

Paint in the full spectrum.


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The people they won’t leave

What is threatening

about divesting and wanting peace?

The problem isn’t the protests 

it’s what they’re protesting 

Cause it goes against 

what our country is funding 

Block the barricade until Palestine is free

Block the barricade until Palestine is free

When I was 7 I learned a lesson 

from Cube and Eazy E

What was it again? 

oh yea 

fuck the police 

Actors in badges 

protecting property 

And a system that was designed 

by white supremacy 

But the people are in the streets

You can pay off meta 

you can’t pay off me 

Politicians who serve by any means

AIPAC, CUFI and all the companies 

You see we sell fear around the land of the free 

But this generation here 

is about to cut the strings 

You can ban tik Tok 

take us out the algothim 

But it’s too late 

we’ve seen the truth we bare witness 

We’ve seen the ruble the buildings 

the mothers the children 

And all the men that you murdered 

and then we see how they spin it 

Who gets to the right to defend 

and who gets the right of resistance   

Has always been about dollars 

and the color of your pigment 


White supremacy is finally on blast 

Screaming free Palestine 

until they’re home at last 

We see the lies in them 

Claiming it’s anti-semetic 

to be anti-zionist 

I’ve seen Jewish brothers and sisters 

out there and riding

In solidarity and screaming 

free Palestine with 'em 

Organizing, unlearning 

and finally cutting ties with a State 

that’s gotta rely on an apartheid system

To uphold an occupying violent 

History been repeating for the last 75

The Nakba never ended, 

the colonizer lied  

If some kids in tents, 

posted on the lawn 

occupying the quad

 is really against the law 

And a reason to call

 in the police and their squad 

where does genocide land 

in your definition huh?

destroying every college in Gaza and every mosque 

pushing everyone into Rafah and dropping bombs 

The blood is on your hands Biden, 

we can see it all 

And fuck no 

I’m not voting for you in the fall 


you can’t twist the truth 

The people out here united 

never be defeated when Freedom’s 

on the horizon 

Yet the music industry’s quiet 

complicit in their platform of silence 

What happened to the artist 

what do you got to say?

If I was on a label, 

you could drop me today 

And be fine with it 

cause the heart fed my page 

I want a ceasefire 

fuck a response from Drake 

What you willing to risk?

What you willing to give?

What if you were Gaza? 

what if those were your kids?

If the west was pretending that you didn’t exist 

You’d want the world to stand up 

And the students finally did 

Let’s get it

Friday, May 10, 2024

"Life" .... from a 102-year-old doctor

I'm a 102-year-old doctor. Here are my 5L's for living a long, fulfilling life

"Life" .... from a 102-year-old doctor

The five L’s that [Dr. Gladys] McGarey follows for a long and happy life are:

Life itself: “As you pay attention to life itself, life is like a seed. It has a shell around it. It has all the energy of the universe within it,” says McGarey. But life can’t change for the better without being activated by us first.

Love: “Love is the activating factor. It cracks the shell,” she says. “It’s the whole aspect of life as we come into it and take our first breath.” Love feeds into the remaining aspects of what makes life meaningful.

Laughter: “Laughter without love is cruel. It’s mean [and] cold,” McGarey says. “But laughter with love is joy and happiness.”

Labor: “Labor without love is drudgery. ‘I gotta go to work’ or ‘They’re too many diapers,’” she says. “Labor with love is bliss. It’s why a singer sings, why a painter paints, why I became a doctor. It’s what juices you up. It’s what makes you really know: ‘This is who the inner core of me is.’” Pay attention to what drives you, she adds.

Listening: “Listening without love is empty sound,” says McGarey. “But listening with love is understanding.” When you’re able to find people who understand you and what your purpose is, life becomes more fulfilling and you can go on to do the same for others.

But life isn’t always easy, McGarey points out. When you’re faced with tough times: “Just don’t get stuck. Or if you do [get stuck], start looking for the light. It’s always there,” she adds.

“You just have to keep looking for it.”

Gladys McGarey Spring 2024 
at 103 Years of Love

This video features Dr. Gladys McGarey sharing her wisdom. Well worth the watch and listen ...

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Five basic qualities of the nature of mind ~ Kalu Rinpoche

~ Kalu Rinpoche

Five basic qualities of the nature of mind: 

"Empty, luminous, and infinite in potential, mind can be understood as having five basic qualities: emptiness, mobility, clarity, continuity, and stability. 

Each of these corresponds respectively to the five principal elements of space, air, fire, water, and earth. 

We have already described mind as not being a tangible thing: it is indeterminate, omnipresent, and immaterial; it is emptiness, with the nature of space. 

Thoughts and mental states constantly arise in the mind; this movement and fluctuation is the air element’s nature. 

Furthermore, mind is clear; it can know, and that clear lucidity is the fire element’s nature. 

And mind is continuous; its experiences are an uninterrupted flow of thoughts and perceptions. This continuity is the water element’s nature. 

Finally, mind is the ground, or basis, from which arise all knowable things in samsara as well as nirvana, and this quality is the earth element’s nature."

~ Kalu Rinpoche

๐’๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐Œ๐ž๐๐ข๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž?

Meditation When we meditate What to do? Simply ... BE! We set the mentality on the shelf. You know that ... It's what you think. [Really...