Monday, July 06, 2020

Politics 2020

Summarizing the state of the 2020 US election so far ...

"Trump has never ever done anything right or good or useful in his entire life!" [My focus groups say I should hitch up with a woman; a woman of color, as my running mate. As I recall, anyway. Somebody, throw me a bone here.]

"There you go again, Crazy Joe." [I do have a knack for putting it in a nutshell some or other chink in my opponent's armor. The Biden fils Ukraine and China stuff ... I'll dust off that 'Lock him up' idea from 2016. BTW — and, by chink ... don't get me wrong, I love the Chinks; er, Chinese. Go ahead make some fake news about that! ]

Kanye: [That's right, Kanye; in case you haven't heard.]
"Sheezy Forsheezy." [I doin' this to take some of the Black vote away from Joe. Donald's my homey. And, hey, the publicity is gold. And, Kim as Flotus ... dope. And, I got that Jesus too!]

"I can't believe how I'm not in this!" [So what if my ideas would never get implemented, even with Democrat control of both Houses.]

"This incessant 24/7/12/365 vilifying of Trump doesn't make me want to not vote for him, it just makes me want to vote for Biden less. Kanye is starting to look like a viable option. Kim doesn't hurt either."

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