Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Cousin Zigismund Wronski
This photograph arrived anonymously in the mail one day. It is the last extant image of our beloved Cousin Zigismund Wronski, the original Gonzo journalist and peerless exposer of hidden mendacities, wherever they might be; fearless to doggedly pursue relentlessly any and all stories of hidden chicanery and malefaction. Specialized in clandestine investigative operations. Think Inspector Clouseau, and you have a pretty good handle on our boy.

The arrival of the photo is the last known anything about Dear Ziggy. We speculate that given the nature of the photo’s contents and its apparent setting it is not too subtle a message to keep away and hands off certain areas of investigation sent by powerful entities probably in black operations in some “non-existent” governmental agency.

(We can all breathe easy knowing that those in charge at the highest levels can be trusted and relied upon to do the right thing without any of the public having the need to pry or ask for transparent accounting.) Ziggy, if you are reading this . . . “Verbum Sap Sat,” old chap.

Also, and just to mention, Zigismund’s home is locked tight as a drum. But some nights there is a reported glow coming from his office window. If the picture provides any clue, let’s just say that he may be undercover and not aware of his super charged condition; as the song goes, “Don’t stand too close. You might catch it. Radioactive.”


See all the other Wronski's by going to the sidebar "Oh! Wronski / All My Relations". 

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