Monday, December 30, 2024

๐…๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐“๐ž๐š๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐’๐ซ๐ข ๐‘๐š๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐š ๐Œ๐š๐ก๐š๐ซ๐ฌ๐ก๐ข ๐ž๐๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ ๐€๐ซ๐ญ๐ก๐ฎ๐ซ ๐Ž๐ฌ๐›๐จ๐ซ๐ง๐ž

In the afternoon the following questions were put by Mr. Bhargava, an elderly visitor from Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh:

(1) How am I to search for the ‘I’ from start to finish? (2) When I meditate, I reach a stage where there is a vacuum or void. How should I proceed from there?

Bhagavan [Ramana Marharshi]: Never mind whether there are visions or sounds or anything else or whether there is void. Are you present during all these or are you not?

You must have been there during the void to be able to say that you experienced a void. To be fixed in that ‘you’ is the quest from start to finish.

In all books on Vedanta you will find this question of a void or nothing being left raised by the disciple and answered by the Guru.

It is the mind that sees objects and has experiences and that finds a void when it ceases to see and experience, but that is not ‘you’.

You are the constant illumination that lights up both the experience and the void.

It is like the theatre light that enables you to see the theatre, the actors, and the play while the play is going on but also remains alight and enables you to say that there is no play on when it is all finished.

Or there is another illustration:

We see objects all around us but in complete darkness we do not see them and we say: ‘I see nothing’.
In the same way, you are there even in the void you mention.

You are the witness of the three bodies: the gross, the subtle, and the causal, and of the three times: past, present and future, and also this void.

In the story of the tenth man, when each of them counted and thought they were only nine, each one forgetting to count himself, there is a stage when they think one is missing and do not know who it is; and that corresponds to the void.

We are so accustomed to the notion that all that we see around us is permanent and that we are this body, that when all this ceases to exist we imagine and fear that we also have ceased to exist.

Bhagavan also quoted verses 212 and 213 from Vivekachudamani in which the disciple says: “After I eliminate the five sheaths as not-Self, I find that nothing at all remains”; and the Guru replies that the Self or That by which all modifications, including the ego and all its creatures and their absence (that is the void), are perceived, is always there.

Bhagavan continued and said:

The nature of the Self or ‘I’ must be illumination. You perceive all modifications and their absence.


To say that you get the illumination from another would raise the question how he got it and there would be no end to the chain of reasoning.

So you yourself are the illumination.

The usual illustration of this is the following: You make all kinds of sweets of various ingredients and in various shapes and they all taste sweet because there is sugar in all of them and sweetness is the nature of sugar. And in the same way all experiences and the absence of them contain the illumination which is the nature of the Self.

Without the Self they cannot be experienced,
just as without sugar not one of the articles you make can taste sweet.

(Later he continued):

First one sees the Self as objects, then one sees the Self as void, then one sees the Self as the Self; only in this last case there is no seeing because seeing is being.”

Sunday, December 29, 2024

๐ˆ๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐€๐ง๐ง๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐€๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐š๐œ๐ก๐ž๐ฌ ๐“๐จ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ ๐๐จ๐๐ข๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐๐š๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ˆ๐ง ๐‘๐ž๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ž๐œ๐ญ ๐“๐จ ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐†๐ซ๐š๐ฏ๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ ...

First, some necessary background ...

On Gravity. As everyone knows, Gravity is there. There, all the time and everywhere and all at once. Even in space, where there's the absence of Gravity. Seemingly. At least at the individual experiential level. We may think there's no Gravity in outer space on account of we experience weightlessness there.  But, don't make no mistake, Gravity is even working in the presence of its "absence". On the cosmic scale, and down to the particles of dust. If not down-down-down into the Quantum.

The main takeaway to please take away is this: The force of Gravity is a resource for Human health, well being, performance, and creativity. It can be enlisted — "uploaded" — easily, by everyone. Now, just to recognize that it's a choice ... and to choose it! Who? You! Yes, you! The simple approach is to foster balance of the body in respect to the dictates of Gravity. It's basic science. Yet, not pretty much applied. Yet. 

Naturally we've come to recognize that bodily balance in respect to the demands of Gravity is something that's worthwhile for us to learn. However, you could say that as a species we Humans are still evolving along those lines. And, a way to go it looks like. Look at the average individual, living with all those accumulated imbalances! Egads! It's so commonplace we've become inured to the situation and it goes unnoticed for what it actually is: We are at war with Gravity. Perhaps Mssrs. Musk and Ramaswamy might fold that gem into their DOGE agenda. [Pass it on, s'il vous plaรฎt'] 

Think about that when you want to understand what's in the news. Our outer condition projected out into the world. If that idea is new to you, check it out. It'll save you a lot of trouble to relate to the world by taking responsibility for what you see as a posture in Life.

Let's now get back to that "Blondell".

As seen in the photo first shown above, we're talking about the eponymous "Blondell" approach to bodily balance. Yet another method based on the theory of follicular continuity and synchronicity with the neuro-myofascial system. Simply put, you pull the hair, that stimulous enters the brain, which neurons in turn connect to the corresponding anatomical location in the myofascial matrix which is linkd to said follicular locus on the keppe. 

The deal with the fascial aspect of all this is that the body is plastic. The body is plastic. Not just elastic, like a rubber band ... PLASTIC. We are shaped by our experience. Literally. That shape is carried by the Fascial system. Among the cognoscenti it's referred to as the Organ of Structure. It's a ubiquitous, continuous three dimensional "fabric" — "matrix", "bedding" — going from directly under the skin, down to the bones, around and through and through muscles and organs, and intimately connected and integral with the walls of the cells. Stop a moment and visualize that. It's even a new point of view in science. 

The Fascial component is rich in protein micro-fibers which form chains/linkages of continuity. Think of how the short fibers of wool are woven together to make a strand of yarn, then to make a knitted garment. Like fiberglass and carbon fiber forms. This fibrous Fascial matrix is theorized to hold shape, maintain relationships. Not rigid, but dynamic. Elastic. Also, being plastic, it forms semi-fixed patterns according to how we use our bodies. Muscle memory? It also takes on imbalanced patterns which are results of repeated bad habits, unresolved accidents and traumas, insufficient learning, and modeling significant others who themselves may not present balance in the makeup of their own bodies.

Here's another way to imagine the Fascial matrix. Like in an Orange. Peel the skin and it's a whole peeled orange. Separate the segments. And, if you look closely, lots of individual juice filled cells. That's like Fascia. All that stuff that keeps everything together. Now wouldn't you say that's a really "appealing" idea?

Relationship, another related big point. The idea of bodily balance has to do with getting the relationships of the parts of the body into a normal anatomical pattern. Scientifically we understand the Human body is designed for verticality, horizontality, and symmetry. And, very significant also, the whole body's relationship to the Earth. Actually, the whole Human being's relationship to the planet. The simple Physics of structures. Same verticality with everything level and even.

Last point. Since the Human body is plastic — shaped by experience — imbalances can also be worked out just as well. How this is accomplished has been extensively documented around the approach called Rolf Structural Integration. Lots on that in other posts on RolfInk website

This here write up covers some of the other little known approaches. And, jest aside, maybe there's something to the notion that the hair-as-integral hypothetical can stimulate some thinking about other, even simpler approaches. Maybe even something in a bottle? But, I'm not suggesting literally a pill. Big Pharma would love to cook up something for that! But no, more in a way to do it yourself, at home. Of course, Structural Integration is the definitive and peerless approach should you want individualized, tailored assistance.

Kapische? If not, then stop reading immediately! What follows presumes aforementioned understanding. Like, no dessert until you clean your plate. Sorry. [Not.] Now, go away.

Now, for those who are not dumbasses ... [Say "yes" in the comments, or I'll have to assume there's no one in that category left.]

The twist here with the "Blondell" is that it's indeed a sort of a do-it-yourself approach. Where you set up the apparatus in the comfort of your own home and communicate your felt sensations to a technician — an AI version is in the works — via telephone, who in turn inputs that data into a computer synced with those gizmos pulling on your hair. Obviously, modulating the input tensions on the follicles according to algorithms based on coordination with recipient’s real time subjective verbal reporting. "Yes, yes ... OMG, yes!" Not "OUCH!". And a host of other stuff too technical for me to bother to explain to you. Trust me, it's the shizz. A snippet of which calculus is shown here, thusly:

At this point in Human history we have an “Atomic View” of things. Even our most abstract sciences, they break everything down to particles. Those "Quantum" types, even bits you can't see; but somehow you know they're there on account of tracks made in who knows what and how come. I won't get into it; it'll be over even your head, and that's not the point here anyway. 

Back to the "Atomic View". That’s why we see the universe as composed of separate bodies and constellations of bodies. And even larger aggregations. Even so vast, still as separate bits. Atomic. 

There's another view. By the way, "view" is not the same as "truth". And, there's "truth" and then there's "Truth". The former is relative. The latter, well it just is. So there there — not unlike the force of Gravity — that we can overlook it for all those relative distractions. Of the bits that vie for our attention, don't you know.

A view may be truthful insofar as it helps us get to the truth. There's the “Wholistic View”. To see the Oneness of it all. That, dear friend, is in the realm of The Truth. 

Take a look at this image, and see what I mean. And, let me ask you Pilgrim, how come you think in the spaces between things there's nothing there? If indeed the Universe is a Oneness, a unity, then what's keeping all those bits together? Riddle me that! Gravity? We could get into a discussion of Quantum Entaglement, which posits that a fart — or, whatever — on Earth has repercussions throughout the Universe, out even to the most distant stars. But, why repeat the obvious.

In case you're thinking that the idea having been presented is a one-off, or maybe even a joke, let me assure you that early stage science can be a gritty business. Many other approaches have undergone clinical trials behind the core theory of the hair-as-extention-of-the-neuro/myofascial-web.

Witness ...

After years literally pulling out our hair to come up with a sure-fire technical approach to balancing the Human body with the Gravitational field of the Earth witness an early pre-IT/AI approach. Besides the plainly obvious in-your-face presentation of the actual line path of Gravity via a simple trade’s plumb bob, the genius electro-mechanical apparatus literally pulls on the hair in a proscribed pattern(s) thereby inducing neural stimulation at the origin hair follicle level, which in turn trains down to nerve pathways based on a proprietary “Neural Trains” mapping of the routes from brain stimulation to precise musculoskeletal end points. The various tensions at the hair follicle origin points are modulated in a precise, direct ratio to equilibrate and evoke balance in the corresponding tensional relationships in the whole of the myofascial system. It’s really that simple!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

๐‡๐ฎ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ ๐Œ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐€๐ฐ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐…๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ƒ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ฆ ๐Ž๐Ÿ ๐’๐ž๐ฉ๐š๐ซ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ... ๐›๐ฒ ๐‚๐š๐ข๐ญ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง ๐‰๐จ๐ก๐ง๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ƒ๐ž๐œ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–, ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’

"We suffer because we erroneously believe we are separate. It’s why humans suffer as individuals, and it’s why humanity creates so much suffering as a collective.

"As individuals we suffer because we create a psychological self-construct at a young age comprised of memories and mental stories, and we imbue that psychological self with the power of belief by identifying with it. There is nothing in the raw data of our immediate sensory experience which tells us that we’re a separate “me” character standing apart from the rest of the world who must secure its own interests against those of others, but because we identify with the psychological self-construct, we believe its stories telling us that this is the case.

"The believed experience of being a tiny “me” character moving through linear time in an ever-changing world is one of constant fear, insecurity, lack, deficiency, and discontentment. It’s a completely false dilemma because we’ve never actually experienced separateness except in our own imaginations, but it feels real because we believe our mental stories about it.

"We generate suffering in much the same way as a collective. We imagine ourselves to be separate from other humans, so we compete against them, and can even be convinced to fight wars against other groups of them. We imagine ourselves to be separate from nature, so we work to dominate and enslave it even when doing so destroys the biosphere we ourselves depend on for survival.

"All our systems for driving human behavior at mass scale are built around the premise of competition. Competing against each other for jobs and wealth. Competing against rival businesses and corporations for money. Competing against other nations for planetary dominance. Competing against the non-human organisms of this planet for profit and security.

"These systems of competition give rise to inequality, exploitation, poverty, injustice, oligarchy, violence, war, tyranny, and ecocide. And it’s all based on fictional stories with no real existence outside our own skulls.

"Humanity has the ability to awaken from the dream of separation. Humans have been writing about this for thousands of years — that’s all Buddha was ever talking about. This potential has been sleeping within us this entire time, just waiting for the right moment to become activated.

"The fact that enlightenment is a real thing that humans are very capable of attaining has massive implications for our species and the existential hurdles it faces at this point in history. It’s like a Chekhov’s gun that’s been sitting there since the opening scene of this play we’ve been acting out for millennia, and it is not unreasonable to suspect that the mounting pressures of our time may cause it to go off before the final curtain.

"If humanity can unlock this latent potential, every single one of the problems we now face can be very easily resolved. As soon as we are no longer transfixed by hallucinations of separation, we’ll have the ability to move from a competition-driven species to a collaboration-driven one, because we’ll no longer be ruled by fear and insecurity. The propaganda which tells us to compete and hate and toil and hoard will no longer find any egoic purchase within us, and we can shrug off the old systems of control like a heavy coat on a warm day.

"I see a great many reasons to have hope for the future, but one of the biggest is the fact that there’s this potential sitting right there within each of us just waiting to be unlocked. As our very survival on this planet is becoming increasingly threatened by the illusion of separation, we may find ourselves at the point where, to quote Anais Nin, 'the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom'."

Friday, December 27, 2024

๐“๐‡๐„ ๐“๐‘๐”๐„ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐Š ๐Ž๐… ๐Œ๐€๐


Jiddu Krishnamurti

What do you think it is? Is it to study, pass examinations, get a job and do it for the rest of your life? Is it to go to the temple, join groups, launch various reforms?

Is it man's work to kill animals for his own food? Is it man's work to build a bridge for the train to cross, to dig wells in a dry land, to find oil, to climb mountains, to conquer the earth and the air, to write poems, to paint, to love, to hate?

Is all this the work of man? Building civilizations that come toppling down in a few centuries, bringing about wars, creating God in one's own image, killing people in the name of religion or the State, talking of peace and brotherhood while usurping power and being ruthless to others - this is what man is doing all around you, is it not? And is this the true work of man?
You can see that all this work leads to destruction and misery, to chaos and despair. Great luxuries exist side by side with extreme poverty; disease and starvation, with refrigerators and jet planes. All this is the work of man; and when you see it don't you ask yourself, "Is that all?

Is there not something else which is the true work of man?" If we can find out what is the true work of man, then jet planes, washing machines, bridges, hostels will all have an entirely different meaning; but without finding out what is the true work of man merely to indulge in reforms, in reshaping what man has already done, will lead nowhere.

So, what is the true work of man? Surely, the true work of man is to discover truth, God; it is to love and not to be caught in his own self-enclosing activities. In the very discovery of what is true there is love, and that love in man's relationship with man will create a different civilization, a new world.

Think on these things.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

๐„๐ฑ๐œ๐ž๐ซ๐ฉ๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐๐š๐›๐š ๐Œ๐ฎ๐ค๐ญ๐š๐ง๐š๐ง๐๐š'๐ฌ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ” ๐‚๐ก๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ ๐Œ๐ž๐๐ข๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐ˆ๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ...

Excerpt from Baba Muktananda's talk 
from the 1976 Christmas Meditation Intensive. 

Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jai!

I have read many scriptures, many philosophies and each one says that it is greater than the others. After I read all the philosophies I lost my devotion and I began to wonder, "Is there any God?", because I read all these philosophies and they all said their philosophy was the greatest. Then I thought to myself, let me give up all these philosophies because they are nothing but a heavy load on my head. So I gave up reading the philosophies and went in search of saints. I began to look for great beings.

After great deal of search I met such beings as Bhagawan Nityananda, Zipruanna and Sai Baba who were not conscious even of their bodies, who had lost themselves in God. I was in their company for a long time. I listened to their words and I put those words into action. Then the doubts that I had, "Is there any God?" went away, left me completely, and I was convinced that God dwells within the heart.

I personally respect all the religions you find in this universe but I myself am without any religion. I don't have any religion because for me the Self is the greatest religion. Through the knowledge which I attained from my Guru I meditated and went deep in meditation and I attained God within my own Self, and when I attained God within my own Self, I no longer had any religion.

There was a great being, a great Siddha called Kabir. In his poetry he says, "I was looking for the truth outside and I was searching and searching. I got fed up with searching outside and then I turned within me. When I turned within I saw the same truth just within me. And after I saw the truth within me all the conflicts of centuries past and the conceptions which I had were all removed by my Guru and he showed me the truth. I have experienced that love, that divinity, that greatness of God, but I can't explain that experience in words. All that I can do after experiencing God is, just smile within my own Self."

And that is what Jesus also said. The kingdom of God lies within your own heart, and this understanding is the real Christianity. This is the understanding which you get after reading the Bible. This is the path on which you can go and meet God. Therefore, to enter within your own Self, to find God's kingdom, we meditate and if we meditate and if we find God's kingdom, then we are also Christians.

Today [Christmas] is a very auspicious day. In the Bhagavad Gita the Lord says, "Oh, Arjuna, whenever there is unrighteousness, whenever people give up the path of God and take to other paths, at that time God takes birth in this world." When such a person takes birth in this world the earth begins to dance with delight, thinking "Until now I have been without a child, and now I have a child."

Gods and angels also dance with great love and joy to celebrate the birth of a great being. When people were suffering from agitation, when people were very sad, Jesus took birth to give them good instructions, to give them love. And it was his work to show the path of God to the people and to release them from their suffering.

All those people who show a good path, a path which gives you happiness, they all come from the same family. It is the same one Self which takes birth in different bodies. When that Self is born it doesn't belong to any caste or creed, or any religion or country, it is pure Self. But as the child grows up you give it a name, and then you say, "this child is from this caste and this child belongs to this sect," but it is the people who make the child like that, not God. When it comes from God it is very pure.

If you were to meet God and ask Him, "Have you met a Hindu?", He would say: "What Hindu? What are you talking about?" If you say, "Have you met a Jain?", He would say, "What is a Jain?" If you ask the same God, "Have you met a Christian?", He would say, "What do you mean by a Christian?" Because God doesn't know all these differences. All these religions are created by man.

In politics you find so many parties, communist and socialist, and they are all made by man. The fact is that when you go to God's house you can't take your sect or party or your customs or manners with you. You have to leave them all behind. When a seed is sown in the mud it gives up its I-ness and becomes one with the soil and after a while a big plant grows from that seed. If you want to attain anything in this world you have to give up your I-ness. As long as you don't give up your ego, if you hold on to it tightly then you can't reach God's house, you can't reach the place of peace.
We should take our ego and put it on the cross and then we can experience peace. If we put the ego on the cross, what remains will be peace. If the ego leaves us than each and every one is an incarnation of that same Jesus. The great sages of peace taught man to destroy his ego and experience the supreme bliss within his own Self.

If you really want to live in the message of Jesus, you have to be aware that God's kingdom is within your own Self, each and every one has God's kingdom within themselves. I welcome you all with my heart, being aware that you are all one Self.

Baba Muktananda, Christmas 1976

Saturday, December 21, 2024

๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‡๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐“๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐„๐ง๐ฅ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ž๐ ๐Ž๐ง๐ž๐ฌ ...

The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

True compassion is to establish beings in the deathless bliss of perfect Buddhahood.

“To help others you must first perfect yourself, and to perfect yourself you first have to cut these three ties:

* obeying important people,
* getting entangled in futile attempts to help others,
* and listening to what people say.

Trying to gratify important people only leads to emotional upheavals. Trying to help people with the things of this life only fuels the fires of samsara. At best, whatever satisfaction you may bring about in these ways will only be temporary; it won't help anyone at the moment of death.

These, in fact, are mistaken notions of compassion. 

True compassion is to establish beings in the deathless bliss of perfect Buddhahood. Trapped in samsara, you should feel like a prisoner in a dungeon who thinks of nothing but how to escape.

Recognizing the futility of ordinary occupations, the Kadampa masters used to say:
> Base your mind on the Dharma,
> Base your Dharma on a humble life,
> Base your humble life on the thought of death,
> Base your death on a lonely cave.“

Friday, December 20, 2024

๐‹๐ž๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ง ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ ...


Let's learn to sit ...

Really? What's there to learn about how to sit? I sit! Everybody sits. C'mon, Man!

As you may know by now, I am a professional teacher in the field for learning basic life skills. Breathing. Sitting. Standing. Walking. Living with a centered stance balanced in alignment with the force of Gravity. As far as my competence is concerned, I'd say I'm not bad. Make of that what you will.

Look, I can't teach you something you may not think you need to learn. Just to say that there's a way bit more to sitting than to simply plunk your ass down in a chair. 

There's passive sitting like in a cushy sofa that gobbles you up and turns you into a couch Potato.

There's sitting slouched, or over a laptop with your head bent down and forward. Sure, you're sitting. But, all in your head, disconnected to the rest of your body, and to the world around you. 

Then there's supported sitting. You know about that? If so, who taught you? Supported sitting is sitting in a healthy balance. Awake and aware. 

If you want to learn more on this, you'll have to first learn how to breathe. CLICK here to get that lesson on breathing under your belt. Then come back and we can get into sitting. 

In the hustle of everyday life it is probably not an easy sell to encourage people to spend time simply sitting and breathing. They say, if you don't have even five minutes a day to meditate, you should spend an hour. Priorities. If I teach anything about balance it's about there's a balance between the outer and the inner. The deal with that is if you don't know the inner, you're living in default of unknowingly projecting that inner landscape out into the world.


Supported sitting. What does it support? Besides supporting your body in a healthy physiological posture, it supports being awake; the psychological posture. All those kids' heads buried in their smart phones, do you think that is awake? After so much time habituated to being lost in thought engaged with videos and games, do you think they snap out of it and become instantly present to the moment when they pocket their devices? You have to have a little self awareness yourself to get that the Matrix appears real to those enthralled with its machinations. 

Sitting 101 ... all you need to know to get started.

Now, to sit. And, by sit, we're talking about just sitting. Nothing else going on, but just sitting. 

By "just sit" that means sit still and don't think. By "don't think" that means don't harbor thoughts; let them come and go. By all means, do not try to stop thinking. That's just another thought. Simply sit in presence awareness. Choiceless awareness. If you're new to do this it's typical at first for the mental activity to crank up the noise. Let that be. Letting it be — props to John Lennon — lets the mind wind down. So watch the mind. You're not your mind, so no worries. 

The last thing on this sitting thing is to do it regularly. Daily. First thing in the morning when the mind is quiet. Last thing before bed to settle thoughts; you'll sleep better too. And at times during the day. A few minutes is enough. Take as much time as you like. In time the practice will become a habit and then you can enjoy the myriad unfolding benefits of just sitting. 

Now, be a good boy ... Sit! Stay!

๐‹๐ž๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐‹๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ง ๐ญ๐จ ๐๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ก๐ž ...

Let's learn to breathe ...

What? You say, "I breathe; I know how to breathe". Well sure, if your idea of breathing is just getting air in and out your lungs. 

I would not disagree. Of course you do. Breath. We each have taken our first breath. It comes with the territory. Only natural. Sometimes associated with an accompanying rude slap on the ass. On which I'm thinking a lot of our problems started right there. Some clueless expert medical type slapping a newborn's ass and leaving a whiplash as a first impression coming into this world. Then if you are born a male, having your pee-pee thing cut unceremoniously. Or, if you are of the Jewish faith, make that "ceremoniously'. Makes no difference when you are on the receiving end, either way. Or maybe you come into the world all warm and fuzzy in a warm tub with a birth doula; candles, incesne, and sweet musical sounds. Regardless, any which way, it is a shaping experience. A big subject, but for later. If you're interested look into subjects like pre-natal psychology and the formative birthing experience.

We get born. But, from then on we just go with it. We learn the 3R's, but not so much the basics; like breathing, standing, sitting, walking. Self taught mostly. We just learn by doing and take our learned habits for granted. As normal. I breathe! What more is there to it?

Lot's more. Read on ...

You breathe. Well, yes. And, also ... no. Just saying so like that that you know how to breathe so snappy and maybe a little peeved suggests there's more to learn. There's more to it than just air going in and out. 

Okay. You know how to breathe. Wanna take a little test then? Yes?

Do this: Stand up straight, and take a great big breath. Do it again. Notice what happens. Did you pull your shoulders back, arch your back? If so, that's so typical. There's another way; easier, and healthier.

If you want to learn, read on. If not, go ahead, be that way.

A significant functional thing to know about the mechanics of breathing is this: on the in-breath the diaphragm muscle located just under the lungs and at the bottom of the rib cage contracts. It's a dome-shaped muscle, sort of like an umbrella shape. It's rounded, then it flattens. It gets smaller as it contracts; that makes room for air to come into the lungs. 

Also, when the diaphragm contracts on the in-breath the muscles between the ribs relax. That makes room for the rib cage to expand with the inflow of air. Also, the lower back muscles should also be relaxed. That gives the diaphragm room to move and the abdominal contents also some room. And, as you'll see this also allows the rest of the body to move in train with the primary movement in the chest.

So now you may be getting a hint about how the shoulders-back-arched-back is maybe not correct in terms of the basic kinesthetics of the body design. 

It's also important to know that on the in-breath the spine flattens and lengthens. The curve in the lower back flattens and gets longer. Same with the curves in the upper body, and the neck. Muscles need to be relaxed in order to get a rich, full breath. In other words, stop working to breathe.

Take some time to study this image. It shows graphically what we're talking about ...

Reminds me of the story of this guy, he's rushing into the emergency room screaming, "I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe!". Who's gonna tell the chap that his screaming is proof that he's breathing? But, when someone is convinced of something or other, if they're not asking for a second opinion, what you gonna do? [Send them to the Psych Ward.]

So, now, what to do to get breathing right?

First, sit down on a flat seat chair. This'll work for you cross legged types; but you'd better be sure you're easy and fluid in that posture. Besides, this is a Western oriented practice we're talking about here. Western Man stands on his feet. Women too. Let's not get going on gender stuff. Males have penises, females have vaginas. Let's agree on that. 

You're gonna want to move as you breathe freely; the flat chair lets you do that. Sit up nice and straight. Not rigid, but nice. Slumped in a chair restricts the breath. That's obvious.

Next, take a moment and scan your body. Start with the toes and move up all the way to the top of your head. Don't need to move anything to feel. Stop that! Just put your attention bit by bit and notice what's there; and, what's not. Let it be. [Props to John Lennon.]

So now, take a breath. Don't move your shoulders back, or arch your lower back. Simply let the air in to fill your lungs. And, don't push it! Stay comfortable. Easy does it. We're learning how to take the work out of breathing, remember?

Imagine the air filling up first into your upper body, then moving down. Exhale in the reverse: from your abdomen to the top of your lungs. That comes directly from Swami Satchidananda Saraswati, so it's good stuff from a trustworthy source. You may also try the reverse. Let the air come up from below, filling you up; then releasing the breath from top to bottom. See which fits for you. No big woop either way. The Swamiji version is good for all of us who like to spend time crouched over our smart phones and tablets. Gets the chest up, the neck straight, the head on top. 

Now, spend some time doing that. Make it a meditation. Sitting easy, breathing easy. Do it long enough that you get into the rhythm. And, do yourself a big favor ... don't think. Not to stop thinking, just don't serve your thoughts any tea. As my go-to Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj puts it: "The only meditation is the rigorous refusal to harbour thoughts." Just like with the breath though, don't fight it. Why? Because I said so! And, fighting it is a thought too. 

Not so fast. We're not done yet. There's more. More to tell, and way more for you to discover. Discover in the doing of it. Do it! You!

The next thing in this tutorial is to practice. Regularly. Daily. First thing in the morning, last at night. Mornings the mind is clear so the concentration is easy. Evenings the mind needs to wind down. It'll help you sleep better. 

Besides the breathing exercise you'll benefit from the meditation itself. So, do it regularly ... daily. Maybe even stop some times during your day and take a breath break. A minute or so will do. And, take as much time as you like. Believe me, once you get into the practice things start to unfold; you'll see. You'll like it.

Wait! There's more ...

So now you've settled into spending some quiet time just sitting there and following your breath. That's the next step ... follow your breath. See where it goes, where it doesn't. Don't push it! Just notice what's so.

Notice how on the in-breath the spine lengthens. The lumbars [lower back] and cervical vertebrae [neck] flatten/lengthen. Notice also how as the in-breath moves the spine to elongate, that action moves the hips back ever so slightly. If you don't get that right away, try rocking your hips back on the in-breath just a little bit. On the out-breath the hips rock forward. Get into that dance. Your mojo will thank you. 

And still ... more. Now that you got your spine twerking nicely with your pelvis, also notice that movement in the hips translates into your legs, and then into your feet. In-breathing you'll feel your legs engage with the movement. Then, down to your feet. pushing into the floor.

Feet-wise ... 

The foot has three arches. The large inner arch. A much shallower one on the outside of the foot. And the third across the balls of your feet. Those toes, let them be at ease. Get squarely into the triangular base of the feet.

Now notice if there are any differences, side to side; foot to foot. Even it out. Gently. No pushing, please. You can take that exercise up through the entire body all the way to the head. You know, the brain has two sides; why not balance them while you're at it? 

Healing Breath ...

You may notice there are places where the breath doesn't go, or the movement of the breath brings up/reveals or touches upon some pain. Good news! Let your breath gently go into new places. Your body is a temple; get to know the building. Good read: Saint Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle and the Seven Mansions each with many rooms.

Let your breath touch your pain, but ever so gently. Be patient. Works with stress too. Give it a go. In short order you'll see how the breath itself opens things up. Clears things too. Effortlessly. With an effortless breath.

That's about it. Try it. Stick with it. Your breath is your teacher. Listen to it. Follow it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

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Gravity is the "Red Pill"

"Red Pill" is a big thing in the movie The Matrix. It's small, it's a pill, so it's small; but you get what I'm saying. "Big" in significance. It's a symbol for awakening from conditioning; the conditioning of society, the constructed illusory Matrix. It's integral to the story; so, if you haven't best for you to go right now and watch the show so you have the full skinny on the reference.

First, to be clear, society needs its conditioning. We all drive on the same side of the road. Well, except for those contrary Brits and all the lands they held in their imperial sway. Or, you turn the water faucet clockwise to shut it off. Or, you light the Tobacco end of a filtered cigarette. Or, the up elevator goes ... up. Except that one at the Chelsea Hotel in New York City when I lived there; a mind of its own it had. 

But then there's the conditioning of ideas. Ways of thinking. The way I think it is, is the way it is; and the way it should be. Isn't that pretty much at the root of all the shit we see in the news these days? A contest over whose view is to prevail. When, in fact, having a view itself might just the problem. We, however, contest of this view or that. The recent Presidential election exemplifies that point. One candidate is gonna take us all to hell. And, so will the other. Depending on which side you take, the stakes have been framed as so dire it's a wonder that more idiots haven't decided to take matters in their own hands. 

In any case, there also is a thing in ordinary life about waking up. Better, waking up from. Plenty of wisdom knowledge on that subject. It's above my pay grade to attempt to give chapter and verse. Go look for yourself, if you're so inclined. If not, never mind; don't give it a second thought. Come to think of it, that's the formula for awakening, don't give a second thought! As my go-to Nisargadatta Maharaj put it: "... the rigorous refusal to harbor thoughts." 

That is awakening. You stop carrying around ideas about what it is, how it should be, and how you think and feel about the difference. Take a fresh, unfiltered look. Because, in the world, there'll always be differences. Heck, if not, why would anyone want to wake up from a cozy dream? 

The "Matrix" is living with a set of prescriptions about what's what. Handed to us by family, teachers, society, priests, and politicians. A dream. Nothing necessarily wrong with any of that. Just, to not be aware that "all the world's a stage" is to keep running in the same set habitual circles, ignorant of the underlying realities. But, once awake, you then open yourself to creative options. Heck, look at the friggin' news, Boy! Oh, Boy! We are most probably at a fin-de-siรจcle of biblical proportions, and the sleepers at the wheel of the ships of state are still pretending to know what they're doing. Die-hards; let's pray not. Time to pray. To repent. To fess up to our stupidity. Cultivate the virtues. Humility before the Creator. The self-made approach to life is showing us its end game. But, what pol got elected confessing they don't know? Socrates was just some guy way back when. Now, everyone knows; and the contest goes to the one who convinces us they know best. What could go wrong with that?

Waking up is not, by the way, the same as woke. "Woke" in my book is just being hip to whatever the popular zeitgeist is pushing at the moment. "Awake" is having the scales fall from your eyes, cleansing the doors of perception.

So, how does Gravity play into this waking up stuff?

We're not talking about Gravity as a concept. That is, in intellectual terms. Formulas and theories. That stuff is good for moving things like rockets, or building walls. Fine enough. 

There's Gravity as percept. But even not like when you drop your ice cream off the cone, and it falls to the ground. We all know from Gravity like that. Or, from when as kids we played at stacking blocks. Or, how you see a picture is off kilter on the wall.  That sort of thing is more direct, ingrained: but still mainly intellectual. It is closer to activities like skiing and skateboarding and surfing. That sense of reciprocal kinesthetic balance you have to have to keep moving with the flow.

But, there's more. Way more. As the above illustrates, the sense for keeping one's balance is a learned skill. We all have it, in varying degrees. The difference between the two young fellas above is in the balance of the body itself. Repeat ... the balance of the body itself. The one with obvious imbalances in the makeup of his body may in fact be the better skateboarder. We're not talking about the ability to balance. Get that straight. The boy on the right brings a balanced body to the party. That's a crucial difference. It's about the experience of living, of being alive. Do you really want to live!? Yes? Balance your body!

Gravity to the rescue.

And, that is how Gravity frees from past conditioning. We all arrive at adulthood with a random mix of imbalances fixed into the fabric of our flesh. We are shaped by our experience(s). Unresolved accidents and traumas get folded in. Habits, both good and bad, get repeated and shape the way we do things; the way we see things. Insufficient learning, and improper learning. "Shoulders back, head up, knees locked, hips clenched" ... sound familiar? Soldiers have been famously known to faint under holding that standard of uprightness too long. That can't be good. And, very influential, modeling significant others who may have themselves not been healthy examples of simple bodily balance. 

Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the originator of the definitive and peerless approach to Human balance in respect to the demands of Gravity stated it thusly: “When the body gets working appropriately, the force of Gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself.”

Of course, now the conversation opens to another question: what is healing? Obviously it's about fixing what isn't right. Flipped over more positively, it's about cultivating what is right. In personal bodily terms this has to do with how imbalances in the arrangement of the body limit range and choice. Contribute to chronic problems associated with pain and stress; if not being the actual cause.

So, you may [should] be asking, "What is right?". Right in bodily terms is the same as for any structural arrangement on Earth. Stacked up nicely vertical, symmetrical side to side, and level front to back. This is not a static situation like a brick wall. It's dynamic. But, at the core that "Plumb & Square" reference needs to be there. 

Healing in its broadest sense also has to do with soulful with reality. There's a range. Wholeness. Oneness. Healing separation(s). Dislocated joints on the ordinary level. The expulsion from the Garden, that's a soul level matter.  

As pointed out, there's the immediate physical reality of how things under the influence of Gravity need to be arranged vertically upright, with symmetries and levels. This is architecture 101 from the time when someone figured out that mud fence would hold up if it was straight. Same with the human body. The basic science of Anatomy and Physics. I know. It makes sense. Just now to put it into practice.

There's the alignment with the Creation itself. For that, sitting in easy alignment with Gravity, energies move and things sort themselves, by themselves. That's Gravity at work! Not much to say. See for yourself!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

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This is written primarily for practitioners in the field of Rolf Structural Integration. It's on the question of "Random Body" posed by Ritchie Mintz; he's a teacher with the American Guild for Structural Integration. 

The accompanying video is a recording of an online meeting in early December 2024 in which Ritchie Mintz presents his understandings around the idea of the "Random Body". He also invited comments, and this article aims to provide a few.

This article is long, so maybe read it first; then, if you want to dig deep, watch the video.

"Random Body." 

A little background will be helpful for context. Long ago Dr. Ida P. Rolf made this prescient observation: Some individuals may perceive their losing fight with Gravity as a sharp pain in their back, others as the unflattering contour of their body, others as constant fatigue, yet others as an unrelentingly threatening environment. Those over forty may call it old age. And yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structure, as well as others, that it has been ignored: they are off balance; they are at war with Gravity.

In other words the average individual is off balance in respect to the demands of Gravity. This is the usual condition, but it is taken as normal. Dr. Rolf's view is evolutionary. That is, we Humans are still evolving in our relationship in respect to the dictates of Earth's energy field. Her common sense insight is the direction of Human evolution in physical terms is toward balanced vertical uprightness. 

Ida being anything if not practical, she originated a formalized hands-on approach for assisting individuals in evolving the makeup of their body to an effortlessly upright, unstressed stance. All based on the same basic core idea known to stucture designers and building from time immemorial. Yet, this is a new idea. In terms of the human body it is. And, it's new that sort of possibility can be easily available to anyone regardless of age or life circumstances. It certainly makes sense. Acute medical conditions ... no. You have to be healthy to balance your body. At least, healthy enough to not have medical conditions which need first attention. Chronic conditions ... yes. Nota bene: this is not a substitute for appropriate medical attention or other therapies. It's more in the category of education. 

Dr. Ida P. Rolf's is the definitive and peerless approach to assist individuals to raise the level of the organization of their bodies from a random mix of accumulated imbalances to the kind of simple vertical, even, and level stance called for for all structural arrangements in Earth's Gravity field. 

Dr. Rolf used the term "Random Body" in her class discussions. Probably making the point in her brilliant lectures to wide audiences. It's a well known idea among Rolf Structural Integration practitioners, but not in the common domain. Ritchie Mintz intends to get it out to the general public. That living with bodily imbalances is usual, but taken as normal. And, of course, there's an option to correct the situation.

Packed into the term "Random Body" along with the general condition of imbalance, is how imbalances in the fabric of the body vary individual to individual. Not only in terms of typical external expressions, but importantly in the compensatory patterns as well. Structural Integrators invest a lot of inquiry into identifying general patterns of imbalance and their underlying compensations. In the video Ritchie Mintz gives a long list. Brilliant.

Imbalances in the arrangement of the body have many causes. We are shaped by our experience(s). Repeated habits. A mix of good and bad. Repetitive usage patterns get fixed into the fabric of the flesh. Factor in unresolved accidents and traumas. Insufficient or incorrect learning. Modeling significant others who themselves may not manifest sound structure.

The subject of Human balance in respect to Gravity opens up into a lot of territory. There's so much more, but let's stick to the point of this writing. More information is available online everywhere, and in the many articles on this website. 

Ritchie Mintz invited discussion and comments on his idea(s) around this "Random Body" idea.

Here goes ...

While this term is full of meaning for professionals in the field, my view is unpacking it to become a commonly understood term/idea as such among the general public is a project with built in obstacles. Because the term in unfamiliar it becomes more of a project to anchor a set of words than getting across the essential idea in more familiar terms. So, let's keep it simple.

And, simply put, Humanity is not in balance. The news gives ample evidence of that. But, in this case, we're referring to something which has yet to make the news. Could it be being out of balance in the makeup of our body structure colors our perception(s) and fashions our world into a reflection of those imbalances? This is Psychology 101; not at all a new idea. Just maybe not one given sufficient due. 

Or, maybe stated more positively and constructively, Humanity is not yet at its potential for living into its birthright of vertical uprightness and balance. My sense of it is focusing on the constructive option is the better sell. The one often too easily comes to mind is "Problem/Solution". You're off balance in that random body, I have the solution. The other is based on "Opportunity/Choice". The positive one is, You do better in such bodily balance, so chose to cultivate it. It's healthy, actually it is normal; the design of the human body calls for it, Physics demands it. Also, such balance gives full range of motion and opens up higher levels of performance and creative expressiveness. As an inner issue, having an active conscious relationship with the force of Gravity is freeing; from outdated, outmoded mental constructs and false identifications. Net, net it's about becoming truly Human. Not someone's idea of what that is, just someone's idea Gravity is a sustainable energy source which can be enlisted with assurance toward becoming true in every sense of the word. 

This assertion we're out of balance is problematic. How many times have we been pitched to buy something or other is a solution to a problem. There's a built in skepticism around being sold. And, who likes to be reminding there's something wrong in the first place. Who's asking. Can't answer a question no one is asking. You can, however, raise the question. And, very important, before you can go and talk to people in those terms you have to have a priori established trust, respect, and authority. That's an essential first. In the art of selling it's well understood it's first about creating some real empathy in the relationship which then earns the permission to make your point. 

My idea is to flip the issue entirely. Rather than pointing out the problem, how about pointing out the possibility? The possibilities. The potential(s). Sell the sizzle as it were. There's always the steak. [But, some are vegans.] Once someone is in the question, and open to consider making changes, then we can discuss options.

It's probably a general assumption among Structural Integrator professionals the solution to an imbalanced structure is to undertake a series of Rolf Structural Integration. It's certainly a good option. It's what we do. It's how we earn a living. But, if suddenly the world awoke to the need and potential of living in balance with the Gravitational field of the Earth, there wouldn't enough practitioners of the Rolf Method to meet the demand. There are things to do right now to meet a wide audience of prospects.

That's why my suggestion is to start a conversation about the benefits of living with a balanced body structure. First things first. Many self-help options can then be offered. 

Some obvious big ones which come to mind are concerned around our use of IT devices. Basic idea: the eyes are meant to look straight forward, not head down toward your smart phone or laptop. Unless this gets into the public mentality — like car seat belts — there's gonna be a lot of sore heads and necks and shoulders. 

And, sit up straight! Or, point your feet and knees forward when you walk. How about something in the basic school curriculum which focuses on correct use of the body?

Models on the catwalk cross over just out of the convention of that particular presentation. You can see so many ballerinas around their school in Lincoln Center in New York City walking with turn outs. Another convention, but for the dance floor. So engrained, alas, it's built into the everyday movements. As was mentioned, we're shaped by our experience. 

High heels. Nice line, for sure. So bad for the feet when you prance around in those things 24/7.

Each of us has patterns we repeat in life. Like my Uncle Stash. Flat forehead and round shoulders. Not too bright. Every time you ask him a question he shrugs his shoulders. Give him the answer, he slaps his forehead. It's a joke. But, it makes the point. The shape you're in is a living testament to your unique personal history. Unresolved imbalances just keep you running in circles. Repeating the same mistakes. Acting out unconsciously. Psychologically it's like living under a cloud, or in a fog. In short ...

 So, in my own way, here's the pitch ...

There are so many other ways to make the case. I'm not promoting any particular way, just to point out there are so many creative options when you focus on the potentials and possibilities.