Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Me and Grace Kelly

My claim to fame is that I offered Princess Grace Kelly a greasy bacon wrapped chicken liver hors d'oeuvre

It was at a private screening party hosted by a Hollywood movie studio. Sherry Lansing was there too.

It was 1980 or 1981 and I was on my way from a career on MadAve to becoming a Rolfer. How's that for a transition? During that time I worked for a NYC caterer who booked many celebrity gigs.

Earlier that evening in the set up for the party, I accidentally broke some wine bottles as I struggled to get the overloaded hand truck down a hall. Not an auspicious beginning.

Everything smoothed out in due coarse. When people gather for a party they seem to have a way of making it into a party. If I've learned one thing about us humans, we are party animals.

The head chef for the caterer at the time was a bit of a lout. Not too much on the finesse. Yet, as head chefs tend to be, very imperious and demanding.

He sent me out with a silver(ish) tray with grilled chicken livers, wrapped with bacon. Rather greasy looking on that tray without a doily or garnish. I politely suggested a doily, but no. Out I went to offer this greasy looking stuff to the guests. 

So, my claim to fame is that I offered Princess Grace Kelly a greasy bacon wrapped chicken liver hors d'oeuvre. She demurred. Classy Lady.

She did ask for a glass of white wine; and, of course, I served.

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