Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Not Everyone is Your Customer

Sample photo, not actual persons discussed in this post.

Yesterday at the supermarket checkout the young man bagging our groceries was also carrying on a detailed conversation with the bagger next to him. At one point he spotted some friends and turned away from his talk to say hello.

The cashier, besides ringing up our purchases, was also paying attention to the conversation at his bagging station.

I had to comment. My tactful choice was to ask, "Do you know about Zen?"

"No." I noticed the lack of intellectual curiosity.

I told the fellow Zen was about learning to do one thing at a time. And, only one thing. He proudly retorted that he was a multi-tasker. Imagine that! Some high school kid already had the world by the balls. BTW ... If you are proud to be a multi-tasker, stop reading this. It's not for you.

I offered that Zen was a great mental discipline. And asked if he would look into it.

"No. I'm a multi-tasker."

You can't fight ignorance. I complimented him on his honesty.

He came back with, "That's what I am ... honest."

As I began to leave that scene, the fellow at the next checkout asked me, "What is Sen?" I said, "It's called Zen, Z-E-N. It's an ancient discipline. Look into it."

There's hope.

But, if you know Zen ... there's no such thing as hope.

It's all right here, right now, baby.

Knock wood. I mean that literally. Tap something. Now! Do it!

That's some Zen for YOU!

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  That ultimate question is one for which there can be no answer. The question dissolves the questioner; the false sense of self.  You know ...