Saturday, December 09, 2017

Appropriate and Inapropriate

A fellow is walking his pet duck when he passes a movie theater and discovers that the last showing of a movie he really wants to see is just about to start. 

There’s no time to take the duck back home, so he stuffs the hapless bird into his pants and goes in to see the movie.

The movie is running and the duck starts to get edgy. The man is patting the duck through his pants in an effort to calm it down.

It just so happens that two old ladies are sitting next to him and one of them can't help but see all the patting and stroking.

“Ethel, the man next to me is playing with himself!”

“Pay him no attention, and he’ll stop,” advises Ethel.

Well, time passes but the duck is getting more and more agitated being so confined. So the man unzips his trousers and lets the duck stick its head out.

“Ethel, Ethel. Now he is deliberately exposing himself!”

“Never mind,” says Ethel. “You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.”

“Yah. But, but . . . this one’s eating my popcorn!”

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