Saturday, November 09, 2019

Oh Wronski Family Party

Rummaging through the old shoe box stashed away way back in the bottom of the storage closet we came upon this candid from a typical Wronski Family get together. 

Pictured is my Uncle Rosco. Rosco Wronski. "R.R." Stood for "Rough and Ready." "Raunchy and Rambunctious." "Refined and Reserved." Well, that last one ... not so much. 

Then there's his Mom. She's the one with the penchant for torching her effluence. Aunty Selma. Smelly Selma some called her; but, behind her back. Yes, the pun just came out. "Behind her back." As in, behind her back side. She lit up every party.

Then there's Grandma Wronski. Seen her pictured refreshing herself to get ready for another machine gun round of Peppermint Schnapps shots with Beer chasers. Polish Beer, you betcha. As you can imagine the apples didn't fall far from that tree. 

Truth be told, that photo shows just the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the goings on that night would make The Aristocrats blush.

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