Thursday, July 22, 2021

Mooji says ...

You say you want to know why your mind still says things to you like, ‘You are unworthy,’ or ‘You don’t deserve freedom and this path is not for you.’ Why does the mind say these things?

Because, quite likely, you are on the verge of an important discovery which could result in the mind losing its grip on you.

It is as though it senses this and gathers all its strength together.
As in the past, it seems to know you are likely to take the bait and respond as the identity you are not. This bad marriage has been going on since the beginning of time. Like other bad relationships, the ego will not permit you to easily divorce him.

A thought, a spark from the ego-fire strikes, and something is triggered back into identity. You, the self-doubting presence, log in and the tired old game continues. All the psychological mind needs to do is to get you to identify as a person.

Though you are the pure Self, the formless and timeless consciousness, you will easily forget this when you become personally identified. The ego-mind has done enough because from here on you will be 'fighting with yourself'.

But at some point you won’t be so easily deceived anymore.
As you continue to mature through perfect understanding and grace, the ego's voice will lose its influence and hold over you.

You discover you cannot be anything that appears and disappears. You are the alive, constant and unchanging presence and space in which all phenomena are perceived as a play of transience. You are the ever-perfect Self forever.

Bless you that this understanding deepens tremendously in your hearing it again today.


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