Saturday, February 16, 2019

You Can't Bank on Ersatz Coinage

Just like a while ago I read something about how "the taste is falling" in terms of the deliciousness and quality of our food supply. Now, and for some time, we've been slowly draining our language of some of the important inherent meanings of words. And, maybe missing out on what's real. As in, REAL.

The other day I commented on how candidate Kamala Harris in her advocacy to legalize the Marijuana suggested that the sticky icky brings "joy". "Joy!" Since the dawn of enlightened history the "Joy" is truly understood as our innate birthright. Now, it's just a toke away. 

Then, it became a perfume. A splash away.

"Oh, Joy! I got a raise!"

"Love" ... same attenuation to commercial interests. Remember McDonald's "Lovin it"? Let's not get into all that romantic sentiment passed off for love. It permeates society. 

Pepsi? Have a sip ... "come alive!"

Alas. If you're satisfied with the kind of joy you get from smoking a joint, or the feeling of love from a hamburger, then what I have to say is not for you. Drink all's you want. Just know what's in the Kool Aid, sucker. Seems those who command the commercial and political stages regard us hoi poloi's as hicks. Conditioned to buy whatever is served up.

If, however, you have it that there's more to it, then ...

Let's talk about that topic right at the forefront of the zeitgeist: How do you identify? You got one?

Identification, that is.

When I came into the world you were either a boy, or a girl. In the last half century we've become so much more woke to things that what worked in civilizations for millenia have now become somewhat, ahem, fluid. God bless those noisy minorities and their cry for equal status. Mostly a good thing. Now, arguably, maybe going a little overboard.

It's in no small part a product of post-modern relativism. As in ... "whatever". There's now room for everybody's truth. "Loosey Goosey", as a friend used to admonish me when I was too rigidly traditional and doctrinaire. 

There is such a thing as TRUTH. It's easily recognizable, because it is true. Doesn't need explaining or representation. It stands on its own. In duality, however, truth is a relative thing. Depends on your point of view. Even so-called facts morph with new understandings and circumstances.

Regardless of your plumbing, now you can select a gender. Even change the plumbing. To each his own.

BTW, Bruce Jenner was a good looking man. Now, he's a woman. Some woman! Not my cup of tea. At least in terms of his makeup and wardrobe he's what we usually identify as ... woman. I suspect he's keeping what God gave him, though.

Recently we read that funny lady Amy Schumer [is it PC to use the word "lady"?] doesn't care what her baby's "gender is". That's nice. All fine with that. Let's wait for the blessed event.

She went on ... and, "... any way the baby identifies is cool with us."

Why her saying that is news in the first place is something I could write about in a piece entitled, "I can't wait to hear what [place the name of any celebrity looking for attention here] has to say!"

So now we are all sucked into the vortex of having to choose what sexual identity to display to the world. [Me, mark me down for aspirationally gender surrendered.] And, falling all over ourselves to show how woke and accepting we all are over every one of the now seemingly myriad of choices. Trans-gender. What's next? Trans-species? But, I'm alright with that too. Who in their right mind wouldn't be? Love me, love me, love me ... I'm a Liberal.

There's a difference of magnitude between being "woke" and "awake". Woke is to be aware of something or other. Like, you don't eat the Banana peel. Or, lighting a match in the loo after a poo is the thing to do. 

Awake, well that's to be hip to the illusory nature of perceived reality itself. Including, by the way, the perceiver too. [I have to add that last bit to keep it square with the Advaita Vedantists.]

So, what's your point, you ask?

The point is that identification itself is a thing to notice. The enlightened one's teach us that identification as an individual body-mind, is the first false step. Sort of like Original Sin, if you will. Then, the idea "I am the body" gets embellished with all sorts of inferences. Before long you got what passes for a human being. A person. With a personality.

Johnny's parents tell him he's a little boy. And, obedience child that he is, he accepts that. Well now, maybe Johnny's parents nowadays don't tell him and he has to figure it out for himself. Whatever. There was a recent bit about parents who are considering gender reassignment surgery for their five year old to match up with his gender preference. WTF?

So my point is this. While we're all in a tizzy over what our gender identities are and/or should be, we are being — once again? — sold short on the truth of it. That our identification with the psychosomatic apparatus is false in the first instance. 

On that point I'm not a teacher. A student. Encouraging you to become a student too. 

If the truly awakened ones assert that the body-mind ego entity is false, doesn't it behoove us to pay some attention and look into it?

Or ... you can go with Kamala Harris and all the others short selling us on our true innate God-given being.

I recommend this for reading if you want to look into it further: I AM THAT...

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