Monday, June 29, 2020

Brave New World?

It's Here? ... Brave New World

Aldo Huxley must be spinning in his grave. He wrote those novels no doubt with the intention of pointing up the folly and danger of a totalitarian utopian culture. Cautionary fiction. 

Nowadays, I'm thinking we may be living in such a world. Or, at least, inching up to it. Fast. 

After all we all just want to get along. Right?

Maybe it's in the water. Or the air? Conspiracy advocates have been grousing over chemtrails for years. Who knows? [My barber had a term for the universal drug ... "Copacetic". Universally effective.] 

But, here it is ...

We read in the news this morning how real estate folk are shying away from the term "master" in describing the so called "primary" bedrooms and bathrooms. It's not a ban, as such. Just a move in the right direction. As if. 

I see that as a bridge too far. Funny though, how we seem to take directly opposite sides on so many things.

WTF? [I add the question mark (?) for major emphasis. Because the acronym as you may know already has the question implied in its construction.]

Wonder where else in the culture we can do a little spiffing up?

There's the Dixie Chicks. Now, just "Chicks". Not far enough if you ask me. Just try sidling up to a group of women some evening at a bar and say, "How'ya chicks doin' tonight?" See what I mean.

It all seems innocuous enough; it's just language. Wars have been fought over less. Slippery slope, it is.

You've no doubt heard about statues coming down. Just wait until someone objects to The Jesus who hung — no pun intended, forgive me Father — out with a prostitute and assorted lowlifes. If that one catches on and goes all the way, the bright side is we'll have so much more valuable real estate after all the churches come down. And, come to think about it, so many more "primary" bedrooms and baths.

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