Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Racism Update

Racism Update

Racism. Bad. No question. No argument.

It does, however, [some ears are probably already pricked up with that disclaimer, "however" ] appear that there's a tendency to call it racism whenever a "White" has a problem with a "Black". I don't think it works the other way around since years of injustice renders logic in any given case moot. If your Black and you got a problem, for sure it's racism. That is, on the part of the offending one.

I'm pointing to, as I see it, that it's "racism" whenever anyone says it is. If you're Black, then it's incontrovertible. If you're White, well, aren't you woke as F.

So here's the story. A White woman in my town had a complaint with a Black family over her questioning them about needing a permit to install a patio on their property. What was the basis of that kerfuffel is not clear. Apparently conflict between the two parties has been going on for some time. Here's a complete rendering of the situation.

Net, net, they apparently don't need a permit, they asked the woman to leave, she went ballistic, claimed they assaulted her, went batshit crazy in the street, the family recorded it all, the neighbors joined in, the woman called the police. Police are investigating. Local youth staged a protest parade.

Here's the deal that confuses me. Where in all those facts is there grounds for calling it racism. There might very well be, but I don't see it pointed out in the story. Just that she's White and they're Black? Oh, I see. It can't be explained any other way. 

After the facts were explained, the Black family comes forward adding this:

[I find it interesting how the racist theme got inserted into all that.]

" ... [see quoted text in article] When challenged about her flawed legal conclusions, assumption of right, her lack of agency over our home and our eventual demand that she leave our property immediately, Susan decided to call the police and make a false report of assault," Fareed Nassor Hayat wrote. "She invoked centuries of brutality in her call to the police and sought to put her black neighbors back in their place. She believed that we were required to answer her questions and smile while doing so. But to her surprise, her efforts were met by two proudly black human beings, parents, lawyers, law professors, activist, community members, neighbors, citizens and fighters, who refused to submit."

I believe the foregoing is called ... opinion. Maybe true in this case, just don't see it in the facts. Oh, excuse me, when you're right your opinion is in fact, fact. How did we get here. Let me digress. Could it be all the liberal political and media harping on how Potus is a racist. And, whoever else tangles with a person of color? Well, that may not be a fact, but it's my opinion. Since I'm White the point is negotiable. As in, we'll not stop until you agree with us. Totalitarianism may in fact come from the Left. No surprise to me. 

What's more, keep in mind, the homeowner is a lawyer. He should know better. But, hey, he's a lawyer. You know what they say about lawyers. White lawyers, in particular.

He [of the Black family] then went on to acknowledge his other white neighbors who came to his defense. And, flatly claimed racism as the motivation on the part of the woman in the dispute.

"Their efforts were antiracist ideology at work. Each neighbor declared to her and the police that she summoned, that she was a lie and no such assault occurred," he continued. "She left our home, rejected and unfulfilled, yet still empowered to do future harm. To her Black Lives Don’t Matter when up against her presumed inalienable rights of whiteness. She did not see the flaw in her ways or apologize for her behavior. Her type, the racist, must be rejected and ostracized like she was today by Norrinda and I, but equally important, by our white neighbors here in Montclair and our white and non-white allies worldwide."

There's probably more to it. The homeowner asserted that the irate woman's motives were racially motivated, and the she is a racist because she acted the way she did, or acted the way she did because she's a racist. 

I stated on a social media page this: 

"Okay. I don't know what sparked the incident. I'm confused about how it makes her a racist. Yes, I know she's "white" and they're "black". Is that the long and short of it? Police are investigating. But, let's not wait for the facts."

I got back some heat seemingly for not being able to see the clear fact that the woman is a stone racist. 

One comment refereed to "... white [people's] (usually women's) constant weaponization of race against members of their own community and using the police as a pawn/shield in instances where police presence is wholly unnecessary."

Apparently the term is "Karen" for how absolutely how common it is for white women to call the police, weaponize the police. 

One other comment dismissed my post with, "Typical response." 

Geez! I was told to read the article. Which I did. There's a bunch of facts. Maybe some that haven't come out. Who knows. The homeowner said the woman is a racist. Maybe. But, I don't see anything in the article substantiating that other than the man's opinion. There's gotta be more to it. It does seem rather confusing, that business of claiming she was physically abused, and the counter denial. Someone is lying. And, someone is full of it. Chances are there's more than enough blame to go around. 

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