Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Dalai Lama Long Life Prayer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama  Long Life Prayer offered to him by Drepung Gomang Monastery and Lhadhen Chotrul Monlam Chenmo Trust at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on November 30, 2022.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Farmers Market 2022

 Farmers Market 2022

Schultheis Farms / Paterson Market

Hisself / Ploch's Farm Clifton, NJ

Farmer Dan / Paterson Farmers Market

Ricky's Produce / at Paterson Farmers Market

Apples and Smiles Sleepy Hill Orchard / at Paterson

The Wronski Getting Serious about Apples / at Paterson

Bounty from Sleepy Hills Orchard / at Paterson
[Actual farm in Johnson, New York State]

See the Other Farmers Markets

Saturday, November 26, 2022

 Chatting with Gravity.

"GRAVITY ACE" ["GA"]: Good day, and thank you so much. So great to have you chat with us.

GRAVITY [G]: You are welcome. Happy to be here. [Like as if I'm not [here] ... What, you ask? Ever here. Get it? As in, never not.]

"GA": You seem preoccupied? What's up?

G: Yes. I was thinking that that it's ironic to be "happy to be here", as if I just walked in off the street. I seem to be something ineluctable, constant, and ever present 
[that is, when words are used, otherwise ineffable].

"GA": I recall Dr. Ida P. Rolf speaking to how Gravity is a constant. A reference, if you will.

G: Yes, I will.

"GA": What? You "will" to be constant?

G: No. My will is constant. Constancy. Con-stance. "With Standing."

"GA": Well, then what is your will?

G: Simple. Keep things straight! Or, for you dumbass ignoramuses ... straighten the frick up! There's more. Lot's more. But, baby steps. You can't reach for the stars if your aim ain't true. So, first, straighten up, and fly right.

"GA": Constant, I get that. But, is there movement in it? Direction?

G: Absolutomento! Straight Up! [Gad! Do I have to repeat myself on that?!]

"GA": Just up?

G: Look. I'm talking to you about something which is as plain as a mud fence. Maybe you could brush up on your General Semantics?

"GA": Huh?

G: Like you should know by now that "up" needs a "down" to be up. [It works the same the other way.] 

"GA": So there's a polarity?

G: Yes, And, don't let the coming polar shift find you standing beside yourself.

"GA": "Shift"! "Polar"! "Polar Shift"!

G: I'm attempting to say there's a choice. Either to take your sense of things [including, BTW, what you take yourself to be] from your surroundings and circumstances. Or be mindful that you also have a sense of yourself in your own right 
— but to certainly please do factor in your surroundings and circumstances. It's tangible. You're always really aware of it. [Just painted over some.] Try this: Raise your hand. Alright. You know you raised your hand. Right? It's like that. It's just there to see.

"GA": Is that so?

G: Hey! Wakey, wakey. I'm what's so. Not all of it. But, a goldang big part of all of it. My best feature is that I, like I already said, I am "ineluctable, constant, ever present". And, if I may pick on a bone, something that your kind has yet to figure out is that I'm like a source. A source of whatever. And, a source to Source. Wise the F up!

"GA": Language!

G: "Language". General Semantics, bruh! Language is not just in words. There's body language. Sign language. Languages ... so many! The "Language of Love". I have a language. I'm talking to you, sure. But, I'm always talking ... but, not with words.

When you have my perspective the message I'm getting from all over your lovely planet is that things need to be straightened out. I'm deducing that from seeing all the sturm und drang being staged, with the actors unaware that the underlying problem is that they are "at war with Gravity" [props to Dr. Ida P. Rolf for that firm grasp of the obvious].

Maybe since you're going to the Library on General Semantics maybe pick up on Carl G. Jung. You may have heard how he brought to light that what you don't bring to light [from within yourself] will come out in front of you and bite you in the ass, and you'll think it's coming from somewhere other than you. Dig it.

"GA": Straightened out. You mean like living with my body balanced in line with Gravity?

G: Well that is one thing. Body structure. Yet, there's also "straightening out" in the structure of world society. How we've set things up among ourselves. Our psychology.  And, what is working; what's not. Trouble is there are some faithless, bad actors who want to have it to themselves. Zero sum, I think it's called: "Win/Lose". 

"GA": Now you are teaching about something that is not just about tangible physical body balance. But, even so, it might be something that a balanced body would appreciate?

G: Whatever. And, yes. Look. It's just sort of obvious that the world is mucked up, isn't it? Not the Real World. But the made up world; of labels and agreements and concepts. There's plenty of evidence for what I'm talking about. You yourself may have had a moment seeing it's Mashuga!

"GA": Oh, Great One! Please! Please tell us what to do?

G: Kiss my ass! "Great One!" Duh! As if I never was. What to do? What to do? 

Choose: 1. "You do you" [as in same old, same old]. 
Or ... 2. Get yourself right! You! 

Never mind about anyone else. Your problem is that you go around living as if everything is separate. Fool! Wakey, wakey.

"GA": Not much more to say now.

G: Oh, I got plenty to say!

["GA": "Gravity Ace" has just been in conversation with Gravity. Stay tuned for our next visit. Ta ta.]

Monday, November 21, 2022

Gotta Give the Devil His Due

Gotta Give the Devil 
"His Due"

Let’s have some sympathy for the Devil.

Eternally Outcast 
of all God’s Creatures.

Forever fixed, on striving ...

That is ...

He’ll never give up trying to capture your soul.

And ...

He’ll never accept defeat.

Get that? NEVER

Oh, and he’s smart. As a whip. [If you’ve ever tasted the sting of the lash, you know the kind of smart we’re talkin' about here.*]

*That Godforsaken motherfucker can parse shit to such a granular level that if he had another job 
it would be as a 
theoretical nuclear Physicist.

Strive he does ... and well. [Good return on investment, he does get.]

Strive? Strive?

To what?

To usurp the Throne of Heaven.

To be the Ruler of all Creation.

That pretty much sums it up.

Well, that’s the Devil for you.

Poor soul.

Heatedly rushing [flaming!] toward his goal ... eternally unreachable.

The worse of it ...

All too clearly he sees what he’s doing [and, of course, that it’s futile]

Yet, yet ... He won’t stop. 
Really, can’t.

Why not?

[Good question.]


God keeps him that way.


[Another good question.]

For His Purposes.

Where would you be 
if it weren’t for the Devil?

Give that fucker his due!

PS Adding that the Ways of the Lord are indeed Mysterious.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Pope Francis ... Now That's Catholic!

"You can have flaws, be anxious and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from failing. You are appreciated, admired and loved by so many. Remember that being happy is not having a sky without storm, a road without accidents, a job without effort, a relationship without disappointments.

“To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim and become the author of your own fate.” It's walking through deserts, but being able to find an oasis deep in the soul. Is thanking God every morning for the miracle of life. It’s kissing your children, cuddling your parents, having poetic moments with your friends, even when they hurt us.

“Being happy is letting the creature that lives in each of us live, free, joyful and simple. You have the maturity to be able to say: "I've made mistakes". It's having the courage to say I'm sorry. It's having the sense to say "I need you". Is having the ability to say "I love you". May your life become a garden of opportunities for happiness ... that in spring he may be a lover of joy and in winter a lover of wisdom.

"And when you make a mistake, start over. Because only then will you be in love with life. You'll discover that being happy isn't having a perfect life. But use tears to irrigate tolerance. Use your defeats to train your patience.

"Use your mistakes with the serenity of the sculptor. Use pain to tune into pleasure. Use obstacles to open the windows of intelligence. Never give up ... Above all never give up on the people that love you. Never give up on being happy, because life is an incredible spectacle. ".

Pope Francis