Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 What's a Centrist to Do?

[It's not gonna be pretty.]

In this Presidential election time 2020 the choice one gets the impression it is the profound choice between a much better tomorrow and the end of civilization, maybe even the world.

Trouble is, each of the two primary sides vying for the Oval Office is making the same point. Heaven with me, hell with the other guy. 

The choice is clear. Well, that is if your mind is already made up. The worst case scenario if the other guy wins is presented in the most earnest and strenuous terms. I'm not gonna paint the picture for you. Just tune in on the news coverage. It's all right there, 24/7. 

Just sayin' that with all the doomsday rhetoric being slung from both sides, what do you think the man in the street will do come November 4 when the wrong guy gets elected. As my Aunt once famously said to my Mother when Mom was bragging of the bright future of her son [that would be me], "We shall see." (That one really burned my Mother. Memorably. Obviously.) 

But, seriously, we shall see. Could be not too pretty if what's happening even now in many cities is a harbinger. I take no comfort in being the one who told you so. But, let's not pretend that there's not a real possibility for chaos and mayhem. Given how each side is portraying the world led by the other, what would you do? Move to Canada. Yeah. Loads of folk did that after the 2016. Yeah? Not. 

TIP: If you have a fancy car, don't drive it through the mean streets.

Anyway, I wramble. It's what I get the big bucks to do, after all.

But, what's a centrist to do? Well, Buddha was a centrist. Of the ultimate kind. Perhaps he's got the answer. The only answer. I'll go with that.

In relative terms, still, what is a centrist to do? Either choice, the world turns to s--t. What's the expression, "6 of one, half a dozen of the other"? Vote? It would seem it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The natives are restless. I mean the American people. Arch Duke Ferdinand comes to mind. What will it be in our time.


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