Wednesday, September 02, 2020

What To Do?

Get out onto the streets and protest? Or, sit on my cushion and get my own life in order before I go around "making this a better world"?

A friend is an earnest proponent of the former. Castigated the latter position as wrong headed New Age airheadedness. So-called "spiritual bypassing". That's when you neglect the obvious thing to do opting for "spiritual enlightenment" first. That old trap of the ego. 

So let's discuss ...

Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj: "Millions eat bread, but few know all about wheat. And only those who know can improve the bread. Similarly, only those who know the Self, who have seen beyond the world, can improve the world. Their value to private persons is immense, for they are their only hope of salvation. What is in the world cannot save the world; if you really care to help the world, you must step out of it."

Now don't go off and think that the Master is suggesting you commit suicide! Well, maybe, in a sense. Killing the clinging to the mental dilemma of hankering after and clinging to the attractive and rejecting, avoiding, the adverse. There is such a thing as choicelessness, don't you know. You know, that Buddha Guy, the Middle Way.

I had a friend — a "spiritual" ashramite no less — who was a talended artist. He went around saying that "... in 10 years [after study and practice] I will be an artist". I didn't know exactly what he had in mind, but I admonished him that when he was creating art, he was in fact an artist. Maybe he was one of the types you decry ... waiting to be ready.

I'm certainly not making a case for waiting to "perfect oneself", postponing taking action. But, suggesting that whatever you are disposed to do, or not do, to ALSO include working on oneself to "cleanse the doors of perception".

Repeating ... this does not preclude taking action. Do so, if you will. Just, ALSO, endeavor to be clear within yourself of your motives, and perceptions.

The news currently is full of people who don't seem to have much self awareness behind their actions. Of course, I'm referring to the rioters and looters. Alas, that shoe may also fit our political leaders too — both sides of the aisle. As for the protesters ... there's this: "You are never upset for the reason you think." [Source: A Course in Miracles.] 

My take is that folks be all worked up spending time under wraps during the Covid slowdown/lockdown. Too much time for mental rumination, getting all negative about stuff. It's called "crapping yourself out". You know how when you don't like something and you noodle it all around and just work yourself up into a lather. Yeah, that. You know you do it. Or, maybe did do it. If the latter, good on you! Now go, and sin no more.

I do get the point that there are those who think that self inquiry trumps [no pun intended] activism. For some, maybe that might be an informed choice [could you even imagine a world in which that might be laudable, or justified? Or, wise?].

Thomas Merton, praising a Yogi as the greatest person he knew said that the greatest thing that one did was to never let his meditation cushion get cold.

Just this morning I was thinking how practicing sitting quietly, doing nothing, on a regular basis, while a self evident value in itself [self evident, when you try it and see for yourself] also calms the mind and heart. That's a much more realistic stance to whatever activism one may want to pursue. Seeing clearly.

Also, did you notice that my sharing as I am — however much you may agree or not — is my activism?

Now, go sit down and be quiet for a while yourself instead of getting plugged in yet again over your thoughts about the spiritual new age types sitting on their cushions, doing nothing. Time maybe we should at least try doing nothing. Maybe have a day of that. 

Imagine, a national day of doing nothing. How many are skilled at that? Do you suppose during this Covid lock down where folks have been "doing nothing" [but not doing NOTHING] that might be where all the worked up energy is coming from?

So after all that, let me ask you ... Just what about cleaning up your own shit so you don't go around unwittingly spreading your shit all over the place in the name of making the world a better place ... how does this not make sense to you?

And, now, if you definitively really want to know what to do ... CLICK

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