Thursday, August 12, 2021

It's a Level Thing

That Level Thing

Lately I see that the type of conversations I've been having on social media are based on me attempting to get across the idea that the facts and solutions being debated — you guessed it ... politics — could be looked at from another perspective. A different level. Forest and trees sort of thing. [You do know that one, yes?]

Here's probably the last word on the subject:

"Once you have the view, although the delusory perceptions of samsara may arise in your mind, you will be like the sky; when a rainbow appears in front of it, it’s not particularly flattered, and when the clouds appear, it’s not particularly disappointed either. There is a deep sense of contentment. You chuckle from inside as you see the facade of samsara and nirvana; the View will keep you constantly amused, with a little inner smile bubbling away all the time."
– Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

The keyword there is "VIEW". Maybe a better word than level, since it doesn't have the linear, hierarchical connotations of "level". It's just there. To take, put on. As you read this please add "view" to your understanding of "level".

In all fairness, the struggle to see that my point is made has only to do with my own compulsion to attempt to make a point. In short, my own unprocessed baggage acting out. Forgive me. And, more, it's a thing to know just what is that point to make in the first place; never mind the business of how to make it. But, finally, why? 

The idea of "Level" seems to offer a way to go. ["VIEW"]

So, now that I've given some hints, let's get into this business of level. When we think of "level" — I'm sure you're all up in the issue. Well, you are. But maybe not from the level to which I'm referring. "Level", it seems to automatically bring in evaluation. Good / Bad. Right / Wrong. The higher level, that's the ticket. We want that. That's the default game. Sorting out black from white. Yin from Yang? No winning side there. You can try. But, what God has put together, let no man put asunder. They co-exist, no one without the other. Duality baby. We got it. And, we can get it from different levels. Even the level where we are free of its constraints. Liberated. Stay with me.

A wise professor once said, "Whatever you say, someone can prove you wrong. So, now that you know I'm wrong, we have nothing to disagree about."

There's another kind of level I'm writing about. The level which informs your perspective. The lens you see things with. Not better, different. But, higher. Again, not better. Maybe more like a birdseye view. Forest versus trees.

Take this for example. There's Baseball and Golf. On one level they are totally different. Absolutely true. If you don't know from the difference between the two ... really! ... look it up. 

From a higher, more structural level, we see they're both played with sticks, balls, paths/markers, grass. 

More generally, they are games.

From this latter level — you're playing a game — you can consider how other things are games too. Your life's comings, and goings, and gettings, and havings. For example. Not only like playing Poker, or water polo. Whathaveyou.

So what's the big whoop there? This: when you see that you are playing a game you have stepped up the level now to having some creative say in the matter. Rather than being totally engrossed in the busyness of life, you can see where you want to go and how to get there. Also, maybe not taking it needlessly seriously.

So the next level is healing. "Hey, little girl, while you're digging around in that pile of horse poo-poo hoping to find a pony in there [and, even if you did, what would you have besides a stinking pony?] there's something else you can do." "What's that, mister?" "Well, it's seeing that what you are really looking for — next to which all else are mere tokens — is right in front of you — well, Nisargadatta reminds us that in Truth is IS YOU — right there, plain as day. But, you have to let go of that game with the you-know-what and that icky poney. If you want. [And, you know that you do.] Don't be so proud to not look at the other choice. I think you'll want to stay, but it takes its time when you're letting go of one rung to grab onto another. It's a muscle. You have one. By birth-right. Now, use it!

Here's another level thing. There's the way you see things. It's one level to be clear on what it is you're seeing and maybe a step up to consider how that view may be colored and conditioned. Then, there's the level where you notice that there's a you seeing all those things. And, further, the level of looking into just what you are who is seeing those things. Clue: nothing transitory. 

Werner Erhard is also talking about level in this about "responsibility".

Then, closer to my professional interest ...  there is another such "Level"; that is, in respect to our health and well-being. 

Without trotting out my full encyclopedia on the subject, let's just say that living in balance also includes the makeup of your body. Besides being designed to be stacked up nicely up and down [vertical], the human body in order to enlist the supportive side of Gravity* needs to have that vertical, but also should be even and level. Even, with both sides balanced with respect to one another; symmetrical. But also, level; the segments each resting on top of one another flat. As a pancake, don't you know. Well, of course, you do. You don't get served those flapjacks balanced on their edges, do you?

*Gravity. It's ecology, baby! Prime real estate. You're in it. [Or, from another point of view ... it's in you.]

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