Wednesday, August 31, 2011


At the center of the universe there is a spot. It is everywhere at once. As such, it is mysterious and paradoxical to the mind. Yet, knowable, even though ineffable.

From one point of view the center of the universe is an infinitesimally small point—looking at it from the vertical orientation. From the horizontal aspect it is an infinitely long fine line originating at all points in space and time and extending out to the oneness of cosmic infinity.

These lines intersect to create the phenomenal universe.

Imagine that line as it is anchored to the center of the earth and extending out into cosmic infinity.

As human beings, we are given the conscious awareness to recognize and live in concert with that line. The human body is designed to align with that line. Some call it Gravity. Whatever the name, it is a living reality and it behooves us to consign ourselves to it.

Why? Because it is the central-most ecological fact. Once one has the imminent, direct apperception of it, the question of why one should align with it is tantamount to asking why one should breathe, or eat.

All activity is in the province of the horizontal. At the vertical, there is stillness, rest, and peace. It can arguably be said that a source of the problems and confusions of the world lies in an imbalance in the relationship of those two dimensions, the horizontal and the vertical.

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