Saturday, August 31, 2013

I asked the vendor if I could take some pictures of his nice truck completely covered with ice cream wrappers. He quickly and flatly responded, "Not mine".

Since it wasn't his truck I figured it was fair game to take some photos. I took several shots. Then the man asked me for $5.00. Though he was a serious soul, I thought he was kidding. (Hey, dude, your selling ice cream.) He took the money without hesitation. I was surprised, expectin...
g that he would decline; but, I accepted the outcome nevertheless.

It hit me later he was not telling me it wasn't his truck; but "Not mine" in fact meant "You can't take pictures of my truck". So I guess it evened things out for him to get some compensation from the smart ass who was rude enough to take pictures after he said no.

Lost in translation.

Notice, however, my name in the center on one of the packages. So, it was meant to be. Today, after all, is my birthday celebration. The universe had a little fun with me.

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