Friday, April 23, 2021

Wronski Vodka

Perhaps you remember my introducing you to Uncle "Corny" Wronski. Moonshiner before there was even a name for it. He goes back.

Well, truth be told, the family goes back in such doings. Way back. Late 16th century to put the "way back" into perspective.

Now, for the first time, introducing Wronski Vodka. This swill comes to you from Old Polonia itself, based on a Wronski family secret, closely held recipe and special processing technique — which ironically is special in that it lacks almost no technique. It has come down in an unbroken line of small-batch production from the very beginnings of said undertakings by clan Wronski. It's all there. On the bottle. In the bottle. 

One well-known imbiber remarked, "If you could put 'Wronski' in a bottle, this does it!"

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