Sunday, August 29, 2021


Life is like the game of “HIDE AND SEEK”.

You know how that goes? Someone is designated by some method or other to be “IT”. All the other kids scamper away and hide. When “IT” finds someone and tags them, then they’re the new “IT”. Who didn’t play that game?

Isn’t the game of life kind of like that? You’re born, you awake to a place you don’t know from what it is. Where. How come. Why. You spend your days searching in so many ways to figure out what it is, what’s what.

I submit, the world is not designed to be figured out. So, if that’s so, then how do you figure it out? The Master Key on that is this: STOP TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT.

That is clearly counterintuitive. Sure. But, consider ... even if you could figure it out, then what would you have? The keys to the kingdom? Seems like that's the promise in a culture bent on the myth that information is the answer to everything. With enough of the right information on the facts in the matter, we can solve any problem.

The real problem with that is this. We get enthralled with the very activity of looking for information, facts, answers. Maybe more than a little like not seeing the forest for the trees?

So if you have any resonance with what we’re putting down here, try this. Just stop looking around. Even the kid who’s “IT” knows that if they stop looking the game is over, and everyone comes out of hiding.

End the game of having to be smart, having the facts, the right info. Take your mind off the search. Just take a look at what’s already right there, plain to see. I remember in a meeting with a captain of industry, him saying, “What we need here is a firm grasp of the obvious.”

There’s the story about how Albert Einstein shared about what works for him for problem-solving. Let’s give him props, he solved some doozey problems. No?

Einstein would spend as much time as he felt he should wrestling with a problem. Then, what did he do? He put it down. Left it on the shelf. Reliably, the answer popped right into his head after a good night’s sleep.

Try it. Put the searching down. Awake. See what you see.

Like this: Consciousness is the state of being awake to ourselves, to our world, and the people we affect. So as Einstein says, “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.” That means in whatever situation we are facing, we need to rise up to a new consciousness. A new way of thinking. A new level. But, you can’t reach the next rung in the ladder without letting go of the rung you’re at. What is that? Take attention away from the search.

And, finally from a sage: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi.

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