Wednesday, August 16, 2023

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There's a thing called the "Illusory Truth Effect". What is that? 

It's when something is repeated so often it becomes accepted as fact ... the truth. Irregardless of the actual facticity. It's the tool of propagandists. Liars, and scoundrels. 

Like the well worn, "They're pissing in my ear and telling me it's raining". Even so, served up that way often and long enough, we might just as well take the rain.

Or, like, the war in Ukraine. Seems the cant is that it is an "unprovoked" war. Or, in something completely different, any number of pejoratives tacked onto the political opponent de jur. I'd mention the 45th President of the United States, but the outraged consensus who literally see him as the Antichrist would swamp my message board. Especially when, pertaining to that dastard of dastardly dastards, every single detractor is stone sure that they've come to that opinion all on their own; with facts to prove it. That fucker cannot do anything good. That's how bad he is.

Now, with all the legal goings on with Dear Donald, I'm not sure that a guilty verdict is the goal. It would be nice [to some], but irrelevant. The main point is to throw so much dirt that us average hoi polloi's will have to say, "Hey, if he wasn't guilty, he wouldn't be charged. And, look! He's charged so much, he must be guilty." And, that's on top of how he doesn't rub a lot a people the right way, so they are already ready to crucify him. [Is it just me, or does anyone see the parallel between the travails of DT and those of JC? Let's talk "Antichrist".]

Ukraine war. Even if we converse on the topic using Ukraine as an example. Mine field. Figuratively. And, apparently, literally.

Don't mind if I do. So here are some of the points on how the Russian invasion of Ukraine was in fact provoked. I'm not saying justified. After all, when is war justified? All right, if the Huns are at the door, sure. And, don't get started on the recent other historic justifications. Iraq ... WMD. First time, that one, for "preemptive" war.

On Ukraine: Russia has been saying all along that the NATO expansion is a red line. Yet, even now, the comedian in chief of that country is hounding for NATO membership. Regime change in Kiev, with Western [read US of A] backing; if not, undertaking. Those so-called Ukrainian Nazi types making a living hell for the Russian speaking people of the Donbas. Putin! You fucker! How could you! On what possible grounds? Just another bad guy ... according to the good guys, that is. And how do we assert our goodness. So many ways. Recently Kamala Harris was asked what is the first thing she thinks about upon waking. "Democracy!" 

Sort of makes Madame DeGualle into a perv. A reporter once asked the famously prudish first Madame of the French Republic, "What is it you most cherish in life?". Not fluent in the English, her answer came out as ... "Ha-Penis".

Ukraine. Clearly unprovoked. Add to this our dear 46 on public record saying Mr. Putin is a "mass murderer". A "butcher". A "War Criminal". And, since his action is unprovoked ... regime change in Moscow! 

Come on, man. Lots of room for a conspiracy theory, or two.

Net, and net. Quick summary take: They're all a bunch of crooks. In cahoots. Keeping the folks engrossed in choosing which is the more appealing one to shear our wet wool. Or, maybe, not crooks, like with black hearts in league with the devil. But, with darkened hearts on account of being coopted by the chicanery one succumbs to when pretending to be something your not in service while currying public favor with phony pronouncements and promises all in the pursuit of amassing more prominence and power — not to mention the do-rey-me] maybe even at the outset with a sincere intention to do some good. 

PS Don't get me started on how the relentless pitches what boil down to that if the other party wins the election it will be doomsday. Doomsday is when we fail to see through that propaganda ruse.

PPS There's the seemingly unnoticed — let alone uncriticized — weaponization of the Justice system. More concerning, that it is acceptable given the heinous nature of the defendant. Confirmation bias, anyone?

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