Tuesday, October 22, 2013

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In Our Midst

For a few years I traveled every weekday morning past an intersection with a certain crossing guard always on duty. The location is Main Street and Babcock Lane in East Orange, New Jersey.

There are crossing guards then there are crossing guards. This one was a cut above. Reliably at his post, alert, courteous, serious about his job. He always managed a wave as we drove by. He carried his authority in his being, not put on like an arrogant man in charge.

The photographer in me had always wanted to capture that image. Today, after not passing that spot for some time, when I drove up I decided to ask for a photo. Capture the moment. His name is Marco, I got my shots and, in thanking him, we shook hands a warm and light contact. To me, a sure sign of a saintly soul.

Sometimes, in our midst, we are fortunate to meet a good soul. Marco told me he had been the crossing guard there for ten years, since 2003. Long may he run.

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