Thursday, October 20, 2022

"Health Capsule" ... by DAVID D. WRONSKI

 "Health Capsule" ... 


Body/Mind, Mind/Body ... Feelings/thoughts, thoughts/feelings. 

Like that. They go together. You may have noticed.

So, if they go together, then they can be separated. Right? Who put them together anyway?

Together. Two halves. Like a capsule? A capsule! Of the Rx type.

Do it now!

"Health Capsule" ... by DAVID D. WRONSKI

How's it work?:

So simple. Just like it is with that little capsule pill, you open it up. Really, you pull it apart. That is, you let the thoughts be and you put your attention on the feelings. What feelings? Right now; those feelings. Just look. No feeling? Be with that. Just that. [That's rich ... no feelings.]

If the usual of things is to get stuck in the mental discourse going on in your head — you know, that voice inside you head that you take to be "me" — then the balance needed is on the side of feeling. Just try it. You'll see.

How much?: PLENTY

"Health Capsule" ... by DAVID D. WRONSKI

At your service.

[Take one, and call me in the morning.] 

[[But, only call if you want.]

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