Sunday, April 28, 2024

Solving the Political Divide ...the End of the Road

So from where I sit the political scene in the US of A currently in this election year 2024 is essentially an end point on the pairs of opposites thing. Not new for 24, just maybe more so.

"Pairs of opposites." It's the mental landscape where there are the good guys and the bad guys. It is the broth of our Western civilization. Right and wrong. Black and white. Like and dislike. Grasping and aversion. Past and future. Praise and blame.

That should be obvious on its face. Just a plain fact. If you dispute that, then please offer a comment. I'm attempting to understand the situation even as I try to lift the conversation away from the infinite circularity of arguing both sides of a worthless coin without any possibility of resolution. Oh, you say, there is resolution. One side wins, the other loses. That's the resolution. As if.

Politically we appear to be in a stalemate situation where each side of the aisle is firmly and unalterably convinced that the other side is wrong; so wrong, in fact, that whichever side in power it would be the end of Democracy, and maybe the world from the point of view of the losing side. Just now we have half the folks choosing one side; the half, the other. No one seemingly willing to budge. And, one side apparently so right about it's position and the direness of the other one winning that it is willing to break norms of decency and even legality to make sure they prevail.

Are we so wrapped up in the argument, like two guys in a street fight, that we don't see what's down the road if we continue to keep raising the stakes to a do-or-die end game? And, by the way, who's calling the game? And, why? Are the propaganda spinners so ignorant themselves that they don't see beyond the game? Or, are they smart enough to spin the game? What's the difference. What game? The difference is that you and me are being gamed.

The game is this: "Taking Sides". Fine for sports. Even fine for politics, when politics is about issues. Now, it's just for power. When you're right, there's really no use discussing. Just need to get your way.

Am I right?

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