Wednesday, January 01, 2025

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Jai Gurudev! 

"Lord Krishna has spoken very well about this 'time'. 'Arjuna, there is nothing permanent in this world, everything is temporary, there is nothing eternal. Therefore attain the joy of the Self, and become happy.'

"We don't understand the value of time. Time which passes never comes again. You can obtain anything in your life, but time that has gone cannot be attained again. Therefore, man should make good use of time. Pushpadantacharya has said rightly, "None is ready to know the state of the Self. Just as a deer chases sensual pleasure, in the same way man spends his time chasing sensual objects.

"As the old year has passed and the new year has come, in the same way you should change your old habits and get new qualities. In the whole world, neither ancient nor new things are eternal. Only one thing is great, only one thing is beautiful, that is the inner Self. If man takes birth in this human body and leaves this world without knowing his inner Self, then what is so great about him? Even a dog dies, even a monkey dies, even trees die.

"If one sees goodness, beauty and greatness in others, it is only because of his own goodness. Usually when man looks at himself he doesn't see that goodness and, therefore, he can't see that goodness in other people either. If one burns in jealousy, anxiety, fear and greed, then how can he attain joy from his life? To free himself from these things, man should also become new. Because man has turned to his outer world he has become miserable, but if he turns within he can become new and he can also find joy.

"This whole world is the embodiment of Shiva. You have listened to this many times. Just as you have heard this, in the same way if you experience this, then your new year will be really worth celebrating. Shaivism says, 'This whole world is the play of the Universal Consciousness.' One who looks at the world with this outlook becomes the embodiment of Shiva very quickly. Man should always make an effort to attain this.

"Without joy of the inner Self, man cannot find joy in the outer things. Outer things can only become a means or instrument for him to obtain joy. To work in this life, to work in this body, you have a nose, legs and hands, but they are only instruments. In the same way the outer world is only a means, it is only an aid. The truth is That--the Supreme Shiva. Through Him we live in this world. He dwells inside our bodies and makes the body function. It is only because He dwells inside us that our mind functions, our intellect functions and also our prana moves. Man should really make an effort to see that. After seeing that, man experiences a unique happiness.

"My dear ones, I welcome you all with all my heart. I wish on this New Year's Day that your inner being should become new. I also hope that you spread this mantra, "Meditate on your Self, worship your Self, kneel to your Self, your Ram dwells within you as you."

Sadgurunath Maharaj Ki Jai!

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