"The living teaching expressed by the lives of the Buddha and Jesus should always be the models for our practice. The sutras are not the living teachings of the Buddha. To receive the true teaching, we must emulate the life and work of the Buddha himself. The same is true of Christianity.
"The Gospels in their written or even oral form are not the living teaching of Jesus. The teachings must be practiced as they were lived by Jesus.
"The church is the vehicle that allows us to realize those teachings. The church is the hope of Jesus, just as the Sangha is the hope of the Buddha. It is through the practice of the church and the Sangha that the teachings come alive.
"Communities of practice, with all their shortcomings, are the best way to make the teachings available to people. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit need the church in order to be manifested. ("Whenever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am.") People can touch the Father and the Son through the church. That is why we say that the church is the mystical body of Christ.
"Jesus was very clear about the need to practice the teaching and to do so in community. He told His disciples to be the light of the world. For a Buddhist, that means mindfulness. The Buddha said that we must each be our own torch.
"Jesus also told His disciples to be the salt of the world, to be real salt. His teaching was clear and strong. If the church practices well the teachings of Jesus, the Trinity will always be present and have a healing power to transform all that it touches."
Questioner: Life is effort. There are so many things to do.
Maharaj: What needs doing, do it. Don’t resist. Your balance must be dynamic, based on doing just the right thing, from moment to moment.
Don’t be a child unwilling to grow up. Stereotyped gestures and postures will not help you. Rely entirely on your clarity of thought, purity of motive and integrity of action. You cannot possibly go wrong. Go beyond and leave all behind.
Questioner: But can anything be left for good?
Maharaj: You want something like a round-the-clock ecstasy. Ecstasies come and go, necessarily, for the human brain cannot stand the tension for a long time. A prolonged ecstasy will burn out your brain, unless it is extremely pure and subtle.
In nature nothing is at stand-still, everything pulsates, appears and disappears. Heart, breath, digestion, sleep and waking — birth and death everything comes and goes in waves. Rhythm, periodicity, harmonious alternation of extremes is the rule.
No use rebelling against the very pattern of life. If you seek the Immutable, go beyond experience.
When I say: remember ‘I am’ all the time, I mean: ‘come back to it repeatedly’. No particular thought can be mind’s natural state, only silence. Not the idea of silence, but silence itself. When the mind is in its natural state, it reverts to silence spontaneously after every experience or, rather, every experience happens against the background of silence.
Now, what you have learnt here becomes the seed. You may forget it — apparently. But it will live and in due season sprout and grow and bring forth flowers and fruits. All will happen by itself. You need not do anything, only don’t prevent it.
IN A NUTSHELL: The condition of living in bodily balance in respect to the demands of Gravity is called "structural integration". "Structural Integration" is the training to foster actual embodiment and the direct expereince of living with such balance.
If you want to look into that further ... READ MORE:
Structural Integration is the name Dr. Ida P. Rolf gave her peerless and definitive approach to Human health and wellness. Simply stated, the goal is to balance the body with the Gravitation field of the Earth.
We look at the Human body structurally. Importantly, just like any physical structure on Earth, it is subject to the demands of Gravity.
Scientifically, we understand that the design of the Human body calls for its major segments — feet, legs, pelvis, abdomen/torso, shoulder girdle, neck, head — to be stacked up vertically. With everything symmetricalside to side, and level front to back.
Proper structure is learned. Yes, as we grow up we get bigger and stronger automatically. Stucture on the other hand, the relationship of how things actually become arranged and work in the makeup of the body, that is learned. We're mostly self taught, typically arriving at adulthood with an unique historical mix of unresolved imbalances and their attendant body-wide compensations.
There are many factors for our structural imbalances: Limited or no proper basic instruction on the use of our bodies ... who taught you how to stand, how to sit, how to walk? Did you even imagine that this could be something worthwhile to add to the general curriculum? Who can't attest to living with a unique personal history of unresolved accidents and traumas? Add in a random mix of good and bad habits. Then there's modelling after significant others who themselves may not have been good examples of sound structure ... "It runs in the family".
The average individual enters adulthood with a unique assortment of imbalances and compensations built into the fabric of their flesh throughout the body. A historical record, in a very real sense. We identify with it ... "Heck, that just the way I am". Is it, really?
At this point it important to understand some not so well known Anatomy. Besides muscles and bones and organs and nerves there's something called soft connective tissue. The Fascial system. It is everywhere throughout the body, from under the skin and down to the bones. It surrounds and interpenetrates everything in the entire body, down to the cellular level. Think of the pulp in a Orange.
Like that. It takes and holds shape. It is the "organ of support". Histologically, as a tissue, Fascial is composed of an arrangement protein rich collagen fibers in a ground substance. These fibers arrange in relation according to motor function; use, and, misuse. With repetitive movements the fibers set into alignment with patterns of use. This is natural. But, imbalances can set in, and compensatory holding patterns are added in to balance the whole.
Remember, the Human body is designed for balance. The science of that is in. Anatomically, as we've mentioned, and according to Basic Physics. Any designer and builder knows this: "Plumb & Square".
There's nothing new to this. What is new, however, is that it is not common knowledge; nor is it understood that such a healthy balance is easily in reach of anyone, at any age or regardless of life circumstances.
So, the question is, how can an individual learn to balance their body along the lines prescribed by the ever present and constant pull of Gravity?
Simply put, the Human body is plastic. Not just elastic, like a rubber band. Plastic. It takes shape. Like how we are shaped by our expereince. And, good news, it can be reshaped. Easily, and gracefully.
QUESTIONS/COMMENTS WELCOME: Since Structural Integration involves the Human being and the relationship with force of Gravity, this covers a lot of ground. Several topics can be discussed. If you want more on any particular aspect of Structural Integration enter into the comment section. You'll get your answer.
That is an array of just some things which touch on living in bodily balance with Gravity. Maybe, since Gravity is ever present and constant there's nothing that it doesn't touch. Outside, and inside. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
Whatever your level, that is the best place to start. It's where you are, after all! Go for it! It feels good! Do you really want to live?
That star on your state flag, it has my name on it.
I'm speaking for my namesake.
Sure, you’ve been told by The Rebbe that you will usher in Mashiach.
Good for you!
Your Mama must be proud.
But, you already know what He’ll tell us when he comes.
Do you think it’s gonna be any different than what Jesus told the
Jews a few milenia ago?
Why wait!
Your state flag.
Live up to it!
PS: I may not be for me a Bible thumping Christian lad to tell you about your heritage. Yet I believe I'm on safe ground in interpreting the Star of David as representing in it's essence the relationship between God and Man. Not just the Jews, but all men. I read the news. Oh boy! Oy! Something is manifestly out of balance.
"Ordinary people do not question the commonly accepted version of reality. They conform to the standard values of subduing enemies and cherishing friends and family. Materialism, ambition and mundane achievements are the worldly hallmarks of success. We experience the phenomenal world and our minds as solid and truly existent.
"Very few people doubt these assertions and question their solidity. Yet, the process of disbelief is the first step on the spiritual path."
"As human beings, we are guaranteed at one time or another to suffer from betrayal, conflict, loss, and pain. We will encounter betrayal and conflict in our families and communities. At times, these difficulties can feel insurmountable and we long for a way out of the suffering and conflict. The first step we need to take is to protect ourselves and others, to set limits, to minimize harm. Then, what is also necessary for us to move forward through our pain is forgiveness—of ourselves and others, and of the events that have caused our suffering.
"It’s important to remember that forgiveness doesn’t happen all at once. You can’t achieve forgiveness by covering up your genuine hurt feelings. There are times when it is important to fully experience feelings of grief and rage and despair and pain before we can move on. Sometimes, there are also events in your life that you believe to be absolutely unforgiveable. But sooner or later, for your own good, your heart will realize that you need to let go. As my friend and teacher Maha Ghosananda, the Gandhi of Cambodia, said to thousands of refugees who had suffered enormously, ‘Remember these teachings from Buddha: Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. This is the ancient and eternal law.’
"Forgiveness is not primarily for others, but for ourselves. It is a release of our burdens, a relief to our hearts. A story I like to tell is about two ex-prisoners of war who met again years later. One said to the other, ‘Have you forgiven our captors yet?’ And the second one answered through gritted teeth, ‘No, never.’ With this the first one looked at him kindly and said, ‘Well then, they still have you in prison, don’t they?’ Only by learning to forgive can we let go of what is holding us back and move on with our lives. Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.
"Forgiveness is not a single act but a practice that one undertakes, sometimes over a long period of time. What I discovered by practicing forgiveness over time was that sometimes I felt true forgiveness in my heart, and sometimes I felt its opposite: deep resentment that I refused to let go. Sometimes I experienced pain and at other times I was overcome with rage and anger. but eventually tears would come that brought emotional healing. And little by little, the way water wears away a stone, the pain in my heart melted."
The five L’s that [Dr. Gladys] McGarey follows for a long and happy life are:
Life itself: “As you pay attention to life itself, life is like a seed. It has a shell around it. It has all the energy of the universe within it,” says McGarey. But life can’t change for the better without being activated by us first.
Love: “Love is the activating factor. It cracks the shell,” she says. “It’s the whole aspect of life as we come into it and take our first breath.” Love feeds into the remaining aspects of what makes life meaningful.
Laughter: “Laughter without love is cruel. It’s mean [and] cold,” McGarey says. “But laughter with love is joy and happiness.”
Labor: “Labor without love is drudgery. ‘I gotta go to work’ or ‘They’re too many diapers,’” she says. “Labor with love is bliss. It’s why a singer sings, why a painter paints, why I became a doctor. It’s what juices you up. It’s what makes you really know: ‘This is who the inner core of me is.’” Pay attention to what drives you, she adds.
Listening: “Listening without love is empty sound,” says McGarey. “But listening with love is understanding.” When you’re able to find people who understand you and what your purpose is, life becomes more fulfilling and you can go on to do the same for others.
But life isn’t always easy, McGarey points out. When you’re faced with tough times: “Just don’t get stuck. Or if you do [get stuck], start looking for the light. It’s always there,” she adds.
“You just have to keep looking for it.”
Gladys McGarey Spring 2024
at 103 Years of Love
This video features Dr. Gladys McGarey sharing her wisdom. Well worth the watch and listen ...
"Empty, luminous, and infinite in potential, mind can be understood as having five basic qualities: emptiness, mobility, clarity, continuity, and stability.
Each of these corresponds respectively to the five principal elements of space, air, fire, water, and earth.
We have already described mind as not being a tangible thing: it is indeterminate, omnipresent, and immaterial; it is emptiness, with the nature of space.
Thoughts and mental states constantly arise in the mind; this movement and fluctuation is the air element’s nature.
Furthermore, mind is clear; it can know, and that clear lucidity is the fire element’s nature.
And mind is continuous; its experiences are an uninterrupted flow of thoughts and perceptions. This continuity is the water element’s nature.
Finally, mind is the ground, or basis, from which arise all knowable things in samsara as well as nirvana, and this quality is the earth element’s nature."