Friday, July 17, 2020


Now I'm really confused ...

Per Ms. Chelsea Handler, "If you want your beans without a side of racism, try other brands. I am."

Perhaps you've heard the CEO of Goya Foods recently praised the President of the United States. Now, the Potus is not popular with a lot of folks. So much so that anything he does or anyone who supports him are deemed deplorable. Of course, Mr. Trump's casual use of the lingua franca which can be interpreted as one wishes, has given his, ahem, "loyal" opposition grounds to 24/7/12/365 keep the drum beat going that he is racist. To many who have partaken of that Kool Aid, that he's a racist is chiseled in stone.

I challenged the notion that it is justified boycotting the products of the one praising this President. Or, that he is racist for doing so. Or, you are are racist for buying those products. Maybe let's just settle on this: if you're white, you're racist.

Here's the comeback I got: "No, it [praising Trump] doesn’t make him a racist. His support of Donald Trump is at least suggestive, and more likely indicative, that he is racist." Let's have it both ways, why don't we. Here's the news you need to hear: If it quacks like a duck, it just might also be a plain ol' stinky fart!

To the foregoing I replied: "Then, what to do about Ben Carson?" 

[You may remember the Borscht Belt comedian Myron Cohen appearing many times on the Ed Sullivan Show. Over a remark he made [the Jewish joke was his oeuvre] someone called him anti-Semitic. 'Anti-Semitic? I am Semitic!'.]"

I then added the ultimate imponderable: "I must confess, I once rode the escalator in Trump Tower. And, I liked it. What'ya gonna do with me?"

Seems like "racism" is the slur de jure for anything anybody finds offensive? Where does one draw the line. Who draws that line? Are we on the cusp of mob rule? The majority gets to frame the reality? Well, yeah. When the majority happens to be right. Not right, as in politically right. But right, as in we know the truth and God is on our side sort of right. 

Autocracy soon coming. This time, though, from the righteous left. Right?

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