Monday, July 06, 2020


Have you noticed it? How politicians and the media — left-leaning in particular — will frame their point leading with an "IF". 

As in ... "If it's true that so and so did such and such, then he is a miserable so and so." "If "...

Problem is that too many times I've noticed how a story will be presented with that "if" then go on to make the case laying out the venality of it all. That "if" having been left in the dust. Forgotten. Now the speculation becomes fact. 

I don't think those who ply that ploy may even be aware of the illogic of it. If they are, however, that makes them evil and dangerous. Conversely, if they're not aware, then that also makes them evil and dangerous. 

What's even more disconcerting is how those who use this sort of thing do so with seeming air tight logic and absolute certainty. Dressed and accessorized accordingly. And, with all the underscoring gestures and body language. Tune in some time with that lens. It'll be amazing.

Maddow does the dirty work of digging into Big Oil in 'Blowout ...

As if talking to a bunch of ignorant, compliant sheep.

In the business world once I remember sitting in at a meeting where the results of some very expensive consumer research were being presented. As is typical, the presenter was on top of his game. Confident and authoritative. Every one of us were nodding in assent as the presentation went along. On one point, however, I noticed an error in the figures. Not just some rounding error, but something significant. I spoke up and pointed it out. I was amazed to see how the others began to get it, and speak up confirming what I pointed out. 

I've been thinking a lot lately how the political discourse has become cast in a scorched earth setting. Vote for so and so ... and it'll be the end of democracy. Nay, the end of the world.

We could easily just take that as election hyperbole. Just that words have meaning; and, effect. Some nut or other — they're out there — just might get it into their head that since it's such a dire prospect they should do something rash about it. 

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