Friday, July 10, 2020

"I Trust the American People"

If you ever — and you will, I promise — hear that oh so pandering phrase, "I trust the American people", alarm bells should go off in your head. Alert! Alert!

Here's another thing that really ticks me off about politicians. I've so many times heard some one of them or another say, "I trust the American people". As in, the electorate will make the right decision. I have faith in the system. Which usually refers to agreeing with the speaker on some issue or other. And, most probably is in fact just a way to curry favor for the speaker and/or their proposition. 

Whenever you hear a politician say, "I trust the American people" know that one to be a lyin' liar. Pure pandering. Here's why I say that.

You say "trust"! After all the propagandizing and sneaky wording you bin doin' on this or that issue or on behalf of gettin' yoself reelected, do you honestly expect me to be thick enough to swallow that stuff? Then you turn around and assure me — the one you've been trying to dupe, the one you hold as too dumb to notice — that I will know what's what and what's right. That is the most cynical thing I think anyone could say. I call double bullshit on that.

Trust. The social fabric holds together on trust. I fear that trust in institutions, government, and political and media actors is wearing seriously thin. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice ... shame on me. 

Let me cut to the chase here. What we got is a clear case of the blind leading the blind. The current Potus Blotus is not the cause, but the apotheosis of a culture hell bent on profit and winning. At what cost? Trust is hard to rebuild. 

We select our leaders on trustworthiness. Alas, I'm afraid on the thin ice of just the appearance of it. Surfaces ... that'll do. Tom Hanks — who doesn't love him — 2024. This 2020 election cycle Kanye, that Sheezy Forsheezy, is trying to fill those shoes. Some balls, huh? Yes, if Kim is satisfied, who would argue?

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