Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Politics 2020


Attorney General William Barr at House Judiciary Hearing July 28, 2020

Yesterday I watched the House Judiciary Committee in what looked like a raking of Attorney General William Barr. The context of the hearing concerned the committee's oversight of the Department of Justice. It wouldn't have surprised me in the least if they asked him to bend over and spread 'em. It was that nasty. Drubbing is a work that fits. Kangaroo-style court, also.

Someone afterward observed that the questioning members on the Democratic side were more interested in hearing themselves, than from Mr. Barr.

I attempt to look at things impartially. Yet, it is so fascinating how depending which side of the political spectrum you reside, the hearing was either a clown show with the Democrats there making fools of themselves; or, a complete open and shut case against, as the New York Times so objectively called him, Trump's "crony" [Barr]. The committee members making him out to be a villainous, constitution defiling, democracy hating white supremacist, racist, misanthrope SOB ... and that's putting it mildly. Representative Jerry Nadler went so far as to give Barr a "... shame on you" to frame his and his Democrat colleagues' disapproval.

I come out on the assessment that the Dems are sly mofo's, maybe even evil. They gave Barr questions that were slathered with negative comment, opinion, conjecture — you may recall the impeachment proceedings —  as if feeding him from the wide mouth of a funnel, then insisting that he give a thimbleful of response. Yes, or No, sir! No, you may not elaborate! It takes away from my time! 

When I attempted to give my sassy little daughters advice their smart-A answer was often, "Whatever you say goes back to you!" Democrats — does that group even qualify for that title? — are pots calling the kettle black. IMHO.

Also, oh so cynical of them. I've made the point before. I think they hold the electorate so easy to manipulate and play to their voting base's strongly held preconceptions and general dislike of the current Potus. Then they turn around and say that they trust the American people — yeah, the one's they've propagandized incessantly against The Donald. Like someone observed, say it often enough it becomes the truth. 

Time to get woke folks.

You decide. Let me know in the comments, please, what is your take?

Here's a taste from Chairman Nadler's remarks/questions at the beginning of the hearing:

Here in its entirety are the televised proceedings:

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